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I freeze. “What?”

She groans and buries her face in my neck. “Sensitive,” she finally mumbles, at least that’s what it sounded like. “I, um, shaved down there with some new shower stuff and I think I’m kinda allergic to it. At least, well, there.”

Chuckling, I give another squeeze to her butt before stepping back slightly. “Do you want me to check it out?” I grin and she smacks my shoulder. “Sorry, babe, but I’m dying to get under that dress and if I can help sooth it, all the better.”

“Eww. There is no way you are going anywhere near there. It might be red and blotchy. I don’t want you seeing it like that, it might put you off. Oh God, no. I can’t let you do that… But, shit, I need to scratch it. Turn around.”

Is she for real? She’s my girl, and it’s only right I care for her, even if she does have a red, blotchy pussy. “Nope. I can’t do that.”

Before she can protest, I pick her up in my arms and carry her to the back of Donovan’s truck, where I place her gently in the back after using the spare key I have. While Donovan is a great guy, he can be a bit scatterbrained and often locks himself out…hence the reason why I have the spare.

“Open wide,” I say, grinning. “Callie, c’mon. I’m not going to hurt you and I’ll try not to laugh.”

Prying her legs open, I bring her closer to my mouth and bend her legs, which shoves her dress towards her hips. Before I look at her though, I meet her eyes and watch as she bites her bottom lip.

“Reece, if you’re going to do it, please hurry. It’s driving me crazy.”

Who am I to keep my girl waiting? So without further ado, I let my eyes and hand drift toward her pussy. The top part looks okay, but between her legs, ouch – bright pink.

“Reece,” she growls, so impatiently.

I slide my finger between her pussy lips and nearly come on the spot when she moans and arches her back. As I slip my finger inside her wet cunt, her legs start to quiver while I try to rearrange my dick, which really wants where my finger is.

Opening her legs wider, I dip down with my head and start licking her lips, tasting her honey. She whimpers so I stop, not sure whether I’m hurting her or easing the discomfort.

“Don’t stop. It hurts good.” There’s my answer.

Placing my mouth back to her, I tickle between her legs with my tongue and then receive a loud groan from her when I put two fingers inside her.

She slips her foot between us and wiggles her toes against my erection and starts to pant.

“In me.”

“Callie… Christ, I wanted to make you feel good.”

“You are… You will. Don’t make me beg.”

She scrambles to sit up, so I follow her inside the back and sit beside her. Reaching out, she unzips my jeans; my erection springs free into her waiting hands. I jerk and leak like crazy when she strokes down, dipping her hand into my jeans to massage my balls. Christ, Donovan is going to kill me for this.

I arch up and shove my jeans further down my thighs to give her more access to my aching body parts, but no sooner are they down then she’s climbing on top of me and straddling my thighs. Her dress is shoved around her waist, leaving her bare to my eyes.

Callie finds it hot watching me touch myself, so with that in mind, I wrap my hand around my shaft and do a few short pumps, causing my breath to catch because, yeah, I find it hot having her watching me.

She knocks my hand away, takes hold, dips her head and swipes her tongue around and around the piercing on the mushroom head, driving me totally and utterly insane.

“Enough.” I grab her hips and move her over me. Watching her guide me to the place that I want to be the most – in her dripping cunt brings a moan to my lips that she swallows with her lips.

She doesn’t go slow, dropping straight down on me so I touch base inside her. Nothing has ever felt so good or right as it does when I’m insi

de her with her muscles clenching around me, sucking me in deeper.

“Reece…let me move,” she ask while revealing her beautiful breasts and cherry red nipples to my eyes before trying to take the dress over her head, where it seems to get stuck.

Unable to help myself, I lean forward to lap and nibble on her breasts as I gradually start moving her back and forth on my dick. She feels so good. Watching her sitting on me with her back arched and her breasts sticking out in my face with her arms over her head, practically touching the roof of the car is so damn sexy. She’s like a wet dream come to life, which isn’t helping with my control any.

Removing my mouth, I reach up and finally yank the dress from her so she’s free to touch me. I want and need her hands on me. And then they are – touching me – pulling the nipple rings – scraping her nails over my pistols as she grinds against me.

“Reece,” she moans, “so close…help me.”

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic