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I huff, “I know stuff.” I may be a virgin, but it isn’t like I haven’t touched myself or watched porn before. Matt left me with no choice on plenty of occasions but to pleasure myself.

“What kind of stuff?” Camreigh smirks at me through the reflection in the mirror as she touches up her makeup.

I bump her hip with mine and shove my way to the sink to fix my hair. “None of your beeswax. Now move and tell me about Vegas.”

“He’s good looking if you find serial killer’s attractive.”

“What?!” I hold a hand to my chest. What kind of guy is she mixed up with?

“I’m kidding don’t spaz out on me. Though I still owe you for that whole concert disaster. He’s cute. A total bad ass. Tattoos, dark eyes. A real flirt.”

“Okay. That sounds promising. I’m nervous. I’ve never gone out with anyone but Matt. And hey that disaster brought you this.” I pat her tummy. Matt’s cousin bought concert tickets and we set Camreigh up with him. It was a date from hell for her. We pulled off at some bar for her to use the bathroom and she found her way into Sawyer’s bed. She doesn’t know it, but I envy that side of her that just does what she wants without a care. I’ve always been a good girl. Never taken chances but I have a fresh start. A clean slate. I can be whoever I wanna be.

“I know but don’t think of it as a date. We’re just four people and a toddler eating a meal together. And what the hell do I do about my situation with Sawyer? I never planned on seeing him again and now he is inviting me to dinner with him and his kid.”

“Just breathe. Stress isn’t good for you and the baby. You’ll know when the timing is right.”

“Promise you won’t bring it up until I find a way to tell him.”

“I promise. Now what are you going to wear? Better yet what the hell am I going to wear?”

Excitement filters through me as I wonder what this Vegas guy looks like. If he looks anything like Sawyer…I’m in trouble. There has only ever been Matt and now that I am away from him it hits me square in the chest what we had wasn’t love. It was friendship, a comfortable friendship that was never going anywhere. I should feel bad for being excited to meet Sawyer’s friend, but I don’t. I’m intrigued.

Chapter 2


“Can’t believe you got me in the kitchen helping you cook and shit all for a woman. She must have some magic pussy.” I don’t cook for women. I’m a biker. Bitches wait on me hand and foot.

“Shut the fuck up. Thea might hear you, asshole.”

“Is her friend hot?”

“She has a bit of a hair on her upper lip and talks with a lisp.”

“The fuck?”

“I have no fucking clue. You’ll just have to see when she gets here.”

He better not do me wrong and set me up with some ugly beastly bitch. I walk into the living room to see what Thea is getting into. She’s playing with her blocks. I hear the sound of a car pulling up. I scoop Thea up and peer through the slits of the blinds. The passenger door opens and out steps this pixie of a woman with blonde curls.

“Whactu’ think, jellybean? Think she’s pretty?”

“I dunno.”

“Come on.” We go back to the couch while Saw goes out to greet the women. Camreigh is the chick Sawyer’s been dicking.

They strut in and my heart seizes in my chest. Camreigh’s friend is stunning. Blonde curls that hang over her shoulders. Big doe eyes with flecks of green and gold in them. Bow shaped lips. Sun kissed skin and a sprinkle of freckles on her nose.

“This is Tina.”

I move up off my spot on the couch and glide right over to Tina. Those pretty eyes flick up to meet my gaze. Her lashes flutter and her berry stained lips stretch into a smile. “Hi.” Her voice is whispery and sultry. The sound travels straight to the head of my cock.

Fuck me. I am already imagining those pretty lips wrapped around my dick. “Name’s Vegas.”

“Like that’s your real name or what your club calls you?”

“You don’t know me like that, but you will.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic