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“No chocolate for me. The baby doesn’t like it. It gives me the worst heartburn. Char, I’m taking a break,” she calls toward the back and we make our way to a table.

Peeling the foil wrapper back that hugs my cupcake I take a big bite and let out a moan. “God, that’s good.”

“I know, right? I’m going to gain so much damn weight working here with all this temptation.” She licks the vanilla frosting on her cupcake. “You going to tell me why you’re really here?” My bestie knows me all too well. I have never been great at keeping secrets from her.

“So, I did it. I told Matt that I wanted more. He never touches me, and you were right, I want to be with someone who wants to be with me. I want a man who can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Aw, babe. You deserve so much better than that.”

“I do. I gave him an ultimatum,” I confess. My lips turn down into a frown, but I still think I made the right choice.

“What did he say?”

“That I was being ridiculous and that if I loved him, I wo

uldn’t pressure him.” We both roll our eyes. “I told him what I want and if he can’t give it to me then I don’t see the point of us staying together. And then I gave him his ring back, and I packed my bags.”

Camreigh’s eyes go wide. “What? No way. I’m so proud of you.”

“Well um…I was wondering…do you have room for me on your couch just until I find something. I have a little money saved, but the apartment is in Matt’s name, and I can’t stay there.”

“Of course. What about your job?”

I shrug. “I quit.”

“You loved that place.”

“Not really. I liked it because I got an hour lunch that I could spend with Matt, and we would have gotten a great discount on the ballroom when we got married, but I feel stupid and relieved. I felt like there was something wrong with me, but I see now its him with the problem.”

“Good. You deserve to be happy.”

“So do you,” I remind her.

“Yeah. Yeah.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small ring of keys. “My apartment is upstairs. Make yourself at home.”

“You’re the best.” I snatch the keys from her and go out to move my car around back.

Matt keeps blowing up my phone, but I have nothing to say to him. I send him to voicemail and drag two of my bags up the stairs. Camreigh’s apartment is small but cute. I know I can’t stay here with her forever This is temporary until I figure out what I’m going to do. I feel a bit crazy and wild. I’ve never done anything like this in my life. My whole life has revolved around being Matt’s girlfriend. Holy shit, I’m single. I don’t even have a job. Panic and excitement bubbles in my chest and up my throat.

My folks are going to kill me for not telling them I left Matt. My father loves him, but I think Mom will be happy. She was always after me to never settle. I was so convinced that Matt was it—my one true love, but now that I have opened my eyes, I realize I was complacent. Just going through the motions. I don’t want to be that girl anymore.

I’m ready to find myself and be truly happy.


After a shower and a nap Camreigh is off work, and I swear I think she just told me that we’re going to have dinner with her baby daddy and one of his biker buddies.

“We’re going to dinner with who?”

“Sawyer and Vegas. I know it sounds crazy. And no, I haven’t told him that I am having his baby. He just sort of showed up to help me move in and he remembered me, and one thing led to another and we had sex again three times.”

I giggle. “He must have devil dick.”

Her eyes grow wide and her mouth drops. “Devil dick?”

“Yeah. Dick so good it must be possessed by the devil himself.”

“What the hell would you know about devil dick?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic