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“No, it's just…”

He clenches his jaw. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he nods as though he has formatted a plan.

“Tim, Tom… you guys get her warmed up. Charlie, eat her pussy.”

“Yes, sir!”

Suddenly there's a flurry of activity. Jeans are dropping to the floor, T-shirts being flung over the back of chairs. In seconds, they're all naked, cocks hard and heavy and ready. Tim and Tom sit next to each other and hold out a hand to me, indicating a space between them on the sofa.

“Come on, darlin'. Let's get you ready to go.”

“Ready to go?” I repeat nervously as I kneel on the sofa, flipping over and nestling between the big fluffy cushions. Tim and Tom sidle up on either side of me, their hands drifting over my belly, finding the clasp in the front of my bra and setting my breasts free. Tom cups my tit firmly in his hand, drawing the nipple up with his teeth and winking.

“Yeah, we want you ready. We want you ready for all of us,” Tim explains.

I moan as they each take over one side of me. Swirling their tongues in circles, they spiral from my nipples over my breasts to my armpits, over and over, nipping and biting as they knead the flesh in their hands.

Just as I submit to those feelings, Charlie and Stan slide my panties over my hips, gently exposing me. I sense my knees being pushed apart. Stan holds one knee as Charlie kneels closer, sucking at the tender skin on the inside of my thigh. I feel my pussy lips swelling and sliding together as my juices begin to pour out of me.

“That's it, girl,” Stan says. “Just let it happen. Let us take care of you.”

I feel like I'm riding in one of those storybook pleasure barges, the kind with all the cushions and attendants and servants waving palm fronds. Every part of my body is being touched at once. Charlie dips his head, his tongue tracing over the seam between my lips.

“Oh my God, you're delicious,” he sighs, and I feel his breath brushing against my skin.

He opens me with his thumbs, plunging his tongue into the pink parts, sliding the tip of his tongue around, making me wriggle and moan. Slowly his tongue circles me, darting curiously against my hole, then retracting and flickering against my clit. Back and forth he goes, a little deeper into me every time, then retreating and tickling my clit again until I'm past the point of sanity, wriggling and twisting and pushing forward to feel more.

“Yeah, baby, come for me!” Charlie says, his voice muffled by my pussy lips.

My body explodes, clenching, releasing a stream of juices that covers his cheek. When he rises, I see the golden fluid dripping off his chin, just like the apple wine.

“I think she's ready,” Stan says.

I'm not sure that I am, but I trust his opinion. Charlie nods, shuffling forward on his knees with his cock in his hand. Stan and Hank hold my thighs open, kneading my muscles, watching intently as Tim and Tom continue suckling and massaging my tits.

At first it feels like it won't fit. It feels even thicker than I thought it looked, but Charlie leans forward, balancing his weight on his hand as he guides himself past my opening, pushing slightly until it almost hurts, then retreating. He pushes again, deeper this time.

“Oh, oh,” I hear myself groan as my body is opened, explored for the first time. I wiggle my hips, trying to guide him along my secret passage. With every millimeter that he breaches, I want a millimeter more.

“Fuck, yeah, that feels amazing,” he grunts, his eyes half closed.

“Hurry up, Charlie,” Tom says with my tit still in his mouth. “I'm gonna bust a nut over here!”

“Yeah, yeah, ohhhhh,” Charlie says, grabbing both my thighs in his hands and squeezing, squeezing until I almost cry out. He pushes up harder, arching his back and groaning loudly before he slides out.

I feel his come inside me, dribbling out and sliding down my ass crack. It puddles on the leather cushion below me as Tom releases my breast and climbs over me.

“My turn,” he grunts. “Okay, princess?”

My pussy clenches, suddenly feeling empty, knowing there's more.

“Yes, please,” I groan, wanting to be filled again.

I'm tight all over again as he tries to get inside me. I remember his cock is thicker, but I didn't expected to feel like the first time. He's insistent, though, angling back and forth, finally curving his thick member deep into me.

“You are doing it, baby girl,” Stan coos, close to my ear. His tongue flutters against my earlobe, sending chills through my core. “Take his cock, baby. Take it all.”

I open my legs further, somehow miraculously making room for more of Tom's hard dick. He bounces against me, his hips slapping against the back of my thighs. He thrusts and moans in time. Then he comes, bellowing like a bear, slapping the couch c

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic