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business. I love the way they let their guard down in front of me, even while maintaining their manners. It's nice.

I have a few bites left on my plate when I notice they've all stopped eating. They’re watching me, waiting. I cut into the chicken with my knife and my fork, slowly chewing each morsel and swallowing, drawing it out. I almost want to laugh at their eager expressions, like a litter of puppies waiting for a treat.

Finally I set my knife and fork down, crossing them at the top of my plate.

“That was delicious, thank you,” I say in a low voice.

They all lean in, hungrily looking me over.

The last sip of apple wine glimmers in the bottom of my glass and I bring it up to my lips, tipping my head back to let the sweet taste dribble down the back of my tongue.

“What should we do now?” I ask innocently.

Stan clears his throat. “It’s entirely up to you, princess.”

I take a moment to think. This is my last chance to run away, I know. Last chance to call it off. Do I want to?

No way.

Standing up from the table, I feel my thighs are already sticky and damp, my panties already wet from just the thought of them. Just having them look at me like this gets me more excited than anyone’s ever made me.

“Come on, boys,” I sigh and walk out of the room. I hear their chairs scraping as they all stand up and the sound of them shouldering against each other as they follow me toward the den in the back of the house. Slowly I walk into the middle of the room, arching my back as I unbutton the front of my dress. I let it slide from my shoulders and gather around my waist as they rush into the room behind me, then crowd toward the sofa.

“Jesus, you're beautiful,” Charlie says, sighing as he settles back on the sofa. I stand in front of them, letting my dress slide over my hips then fall to the floor. In just my panties, I feel like I'm on stage. Their eyes hungrily scour every inch of me.

“You’re sweet, Charlie,” I smile. “You want to go first?”

He nods fiercely.

“Actually… should we rock paper scissors for it?” Tom suggests.

“Don't be stupid,” Tim scoffs. “She's not the last beer or something.”

“I think it should be the lady’s choice,” Stan insists. “Right? Vanessa? You should pick.”

“You'll all get your chance,” I assure them. I sway back and forth, moving my hips slowly, swiveling, watching the way their eyes track every subtle twist. “But since I've never done this before —”

“Wait, what?” Hank says. “You've never done what before?”

I hold my hands out. “This. Any of this.”

They all look at each other, their expressions ranging from shock to fear.

“Maybe we shouldn't —”

“Oh yes we should!”

“But then won't she —”

“No, wait, this is perfect!”


Stan stands up, holding his hands out.

“Stop, hold on just a second, guys,” he says breathlessly. He turns to me, his eyes keen. “Vanessa… are you telling me you’re a virgin? Seriously?”

My arms wrap around my middle self-consciously. “Is this a problem?”

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic