Page 70 of Scent of Danger

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"The doctor said you had a rough morning," Gloria continued, settling herself in the chair. "Are you up for a talk?"

"I could use one... to divert me." His features hardened. "The rough morning wasn't about me.... One of my interns at Ruisseau was killed last night.... Stabbed to death right outside his own front door... He was just a kid—a great kid. Twenty-one. He never had time to live."

"How horrifying." Gloria's insides clenched. A boy that age, dead. It was every mother's nightmare. "That poor child. And his parents—dear God, what they must be going through. Who did it, and why?"

"Don't know who... As for why, I'd be willing to bet it ties in to me... and why I was shot.... He was so damned loyal...." Carson swallowed hard. "He had no parents.... Grew up like me... Was finally on track... The whole thing sucks."

Sick at heart, Gloria nodded. "Life often does. Too often." She sought the right words to console him. "All I can say is that I'm sure Detective Whitman and Detective Barton will solve both crimes. They're about as dedicated and thorough as they come."

"Oh..." A knowing glance. "They got you, too, huh?"

"They talked to me, yes. Then again, they had every reason to. I was in New York at the time of the shooting. And, to their way of thinking, I had a plausible motive for wanting to stop you from contacting Sabrina. The only sticking point in their logic was that I had no idea you were initiating a search for her. As it turns out, I also have an alibi, which made their job easier. I spent that entire evening at a dinner party. So I got crossed off their suspect list."

Carson scowled. "Sorry you had to go through that..."

"Don't be. That's their job. It's also why I know they'll find your assailant and whoever murdered that poor young man."

"Yeah," Carson replied tersely. "Anyway, that's why the morning was rough...." He drew a sharp breath, and Gloria could see that he wanted to change the subject.

"So," she said in a light, airy tone. "I think this meeting of ours is long overdue, don't you?"

That weak grin returned. "Oh, yeah, I'd say so." He eyed her intently. "Sabrina has no idea you're here."

He sounded so certain that Gloria started. "You're right. She doesn't. How did you know?"

"The medical technician was just in here to take blood. That means it's after nine... and that means Sabrina's in a meeting... which I'm sure you already knew."

Gloria reminded herself again of what a good choice she'd made. Even fighting for his life, this man was as sharp as a tack. "Right again. I didn't want Sabrina here for this talk. I wanted to speak with you alone. I'll tell her about it later—or you can. It just wasn't necessary for her to know beforehand. She has enough on her mind. As for the meeting she's in, yes, I know about it. I also know what it represents—really represents. Sabrina filled me in last night."

Carson absorbed that piece of information without batting a lash. "And your reaction was...?"

"I surprised myself. I was delighted for her. And not only about taking on the presidency of Ruisseau. About forming a relationship with you." Gloria found herself being honest with him. It was odd, really, but they did share the unique bond of a child, however unconventionally she was conceived.

"Since Dylan Newport first dropped the bomb on Sabrina, I've had several days to reflect, to consider circumstances through the eyes of a more seasoned woman than the one who conceived twenty-eight years ago." Gloria propped her chin on her hand, a faraway look in her eyes. "I never thought I'd question my decision to raise Sabrina alone. I had more than enough love to give her, and more than enough resources to provide her with every advantage. Funny, how time and age change your perspective."

A short, humorless laugh escaped Carson's lips. "Truer words were never spoken.... Hey, you're talking to the man who was happy to hand over a vial and never know if he made a kid.... Then I turned fifty... and suddenly I started wondering... wishing it could be different.... Hard to believe, isn't it? An ambitious punk like me... wanting a kid?" Carson paused, regained some strength. "You did an amazing job, you know.... She's incredible.... Brains, beauty, and balls—figuratively speaking on that last item, of course..."

Gloria chuckled. "I can only take credit for the environmental factors and half the biological ones. Some of her brains and beauty were your genetic contribution. As for the balls, those she has you to thank for."

He wiggled h

is hand back and forth in an iffy gesture. "Balls aren't always an asset. Sometimes subtlety does the job better.... But, hey, it doesn't matter. Judging from her track record... with some of those pain-in-the-ass Fortune 500 companies... my guess is she inherited a chunk of your diplomacy, too. If I'd been consulting for them... I'd be kicked out by the end of the first brown-nosing session."

"You're right. The combination works well. Which is exactly what I had in mind when I chose you from your profile." Gloria leaned forward, determined to let Carson know exactly where she stood regarding him, Sabrina, and the future. "I am usually subtle. But not now. Since I'm short on time and long on words, now I'm going to be direct."

"Go for it."

"My reasons for being here today—they run the gamut. I wanted to meet you, to close the circle so the reality that you're Sabrina's father could truly sink in—for you and for me. I wanted to order you to get well, for our daughter's sake, and to give you further incentive to do so by telling you that I support your building a relationship with Sabrina, and that I support your plans for her professional future. That having been said, there's one other reason I'm here. I wanted to give you an idea of what Sabrina's going through. I think it will help you both."

Respect and gratitude flashed in Carson's eyes. "I'd appreciate that...."

"We'll start with my parents." Despite her terse delivery, Gloria spoke straight from the heart. "You'd never understand them. I doubt you'd like them. Sometimes I don't like them. But I do love them. What's more, Sabrina loves them. And they adore her. She's their only grandchild. The sun rises and sets on her. They may be elitist and set in their ways, but they're not unkind or un- feeling. They're frightened. Frightened of disrupting a lifestyle that's been their foundation for years. Frightened of being the center of a media circus. But most of all, frightened of losing Sabrina. The thought of her undergoing surgery, giving up an organ—it terrifies them. Sabrina knows all this. Which means she's feeling a great deal of guilt right now—guilt that conflicts with the unexpected emotions she's feeling for the father who's just come into her life. I'm asking that you please bear that in mind. It's a heavy responsibility for her to carry on her shoulders at a time like this."

Carson frowned. "I won't put her through the transplant.... I told her no.... My kidneys will start working again.... But if they don't, I won't let her be the donor..."

"You don't have a choice." Gloria stopped him gently, waving away his protest. "What I said wasn't meant to make you feel guilty; it was said to make you aware. Sabrina's a very strong-willed young woman. That shouldn't surprise you. I'm stubborn. You're stubborn. She didn't stand a chance of turning out malleable. She's made up her mind. No one's going to change that. Nor should we try. For the record, I admire her decision. I'm in New York to support it, not to try to undo it. And if it comes down to the wire, my parents will do the same."

Pausing, Gloria gave a wistful sigh. "I guess what I'm trying to explain to you is that having a family is a double-edged sword. Not having one means being independent, answering to no one, and satisfying your own needs first and foremost. It also means being very, very lonely. You know all about the list I just ticked off; it's been your life up until now. Well, welcome to the flip side—having a family. You're getting your first taste of that. It's why you're trying to protect Sabrina's health, even at the expense of your own. Having a family means accepting emotional responsibility, showing compassion even when your reserves are dry, and thinking of others before yourself. It's hard work. It's also the most rewarding gift life has to offer. You'll see that more and more as you and Sabrina grow closer. In the meantime, just remember she's torn. Caring is sometimes a hard place to be."

Tags: Andrea Kane Mystery