Page 69 of Scent of Danger

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The nurse rubbed her forehead. "What did you say your name was?"

For the first time, Gloria found herself wishing she were dealing with someone who'd heard of her. "Gloria Radcliffe."

"The designer?" An attractive, younger nurse turned around, all glowing and excited—and Gloria wondered if she should have been careful what she wished for. "It is you. I've seen your picture in Vogue. Your new fall line is sensational."

The stout nurse blinked. "Sorry. I'm not really into clothes."

"That's fine." Gloria spoke to nurse #1 and smiled her thanks at nurse #2. "I'd so appreciate seeing Dr. Radison before he goes into surgery...."

"I'll page him." The stout nurse did that, and was rewarded a minute later when her page was answered. "Doctor, it's Mary in ICU. Gloria Radcliffe is here to speak with you. She'd like to see Mr. Brooks." A pause. "Okay. Yes." She hung up. "He's on his way."

"Thank you." Gloria felt a wave of relief—so much so that she spent the next three minutes sharing fashion tips with nurse #2, whose name turned out to be Peggy.

At last, Dr. Radison strode over, wearing his surgical scrubs. "Ms. Radcliffe?" He looked baffled by her presence. She'd expected that.

Determined to get what she came here for, she extended her hand. "Thank you so much for seeing me, doctor. I know you're on your way into surgery. I'll take exactly one minute of your time."

They stepped into a private area, and Gloria didn't waste an instant. "I'm sure I'm the last person you expected to see."

"That's true," he acknowledged. "And, frankly, I'm not clear about why you're asking to speak with..."

"I flew to New York to give my daughter the emotional support she needs," Gloria interrupted, giving him the pertinent information as expediently as she could. "I don't need to elaborate on why she needs that emotional support—not to you. As I understand it, you're one of the few people who knows all the facts. It's because of those facts that I'd like to meet Carson Brooks. Given the circumstances, I think he'll feel the same. Do you have any objections?"

"Objections?" Radison studied her carefully. "That depends on whether or not your visit will upset him."

"Quite the opposite. I'm hoping it will give him peace of mind. You're aware of the very real personal connection he and I have. You're also aware of the health crisis he's facing. If you consider all that, together with his definitive nature, I think you'll agree with me."

"I see your point." The doctor still sounded hesitant. Clearly, he was on the fence about this.

She had to convince him.

"I'm assuming he's up for company now, or you would have said otherwise." Gloria didn't have to feign how important to her this was. "Please, doctor, just tell him I'm here. Let him make the call."

Radison mulled it over for a minute, then nodded. "All right." He didn't ask any more questions. He just went down the hall, passed a uniformed police officer, and disappeared into a room.

It didn't take a minute for him to reemerge.

"He'll see you now," he told Gloria, beckoning her down.

Another wave of relief.

"Ten minutes max," the doctor instructed. "And if he tires sooner, the nurse will ask you to leave. He's had a rough morning."

Gloria wanted to ask why, but she refrained. She'd already gotten the permission she wanted. No sense pushing her luck. "I understand. Thank you very much, doctor."

Inhaling sharply, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Even hooked up to the various tubes and machines, Carson Brooks was easy to recognize. He was a striking man, though he did look pale and weak. But his keen blue eyes, even dulled by pain and medication, were focused and curious.

"Well, well." He gave a weak grin. "This is one visit I didn't expect. Maybe I should have."

She smiled. "I'm glad you agreed to see me."

"Are you kidding? Finally, after all these years we're on an even keel..." His grin strengthened a bit. "I know as much about you as you do about me.... Well, almost. I'm minus the interview transcript... and a paragraph on your aspirations.... Then again, I already know what you want to be when you grow up." With a concerted effort, he raised his arm, and stuck out his hand. "Hey, Gloria. Nice to meet you."

She met his handshake, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Likewise." Her amusement faded as she surveyed the cardiac monitor, dripping IVs, and other medical apparatus that were helping him fight to survive. "How are you?"

"Better than I was... Not as good as I will be." He shifted a bit, wincing at the discomfort. "I'll make it. I've got lots of incentive… More than I did before, thanks to you..." He pointed to a chair. "Have a seat." He rested while she complied.

Tags: Andrea Kane Mystery