Page 46 of Childstar 1

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“Fuckin’ waffles? That’s what he been asking for? Wait who the hell is feeding our son store-bought waffles—”

“What do you want?” I cut in, not able to take another second of this. They both turned to me like they really had forgotten I was here. “You want Frank. But you’re not going after him. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that this is messy. You both get a kick out of fucking with people and taking something like this and burying it. It just proves how powerful you are. So the only reason you aren’t doing it must be because you all want something. What is it?”

“Told you he’s smart.” Finally, Liam put his fork and knife down.

Melody took a sip of wine. “It’s simple, really. My family and I pride ourselves on having a clean image. And while everyone here knows us, we are not household names, nor do we have the luxury of being all over the international media.”

“What are you saying—?”

“Dogs,” Liam stated, his now face serious. “With your father and brother out of the picture, I’m sure after your movie comes out, you and Amelia will go on to do great and better things.

You’ll repair your image, and when that happens, you will be at our beck and call. Any function we want you at, you both will be there. I don’t care what other obligations you have—for all intents and purposes, we are now your new BFFs and will never go away.”

“Done,” I said without hesitation.

“You should think this—”

“I want my girl back. I came fully willing to do whatever the hell you needed if it meant she was returned safely. You want Amelia and me to boost your image and national presence. Fine. I don’t care, just bring me Amelia….and—”

“And?” Melody questioned.

“And, my brother Bo, don’t kill him. I don’t give a damn what happens to Frank, but Bo stays alive.”

“He kidnapped the girl you’re so passionately after,” Liam reminded me as if I would ever forget or forgive him.

“I said don’t kill him. Whatever quality of life that you choose to bestow on him other than that is up to you.”

They both looked over to each other, and Liam reached into his jacket pocket.

“Well then let’s get this done. Who should we get? Chicago PD or the FBI?”

He’s joking.

“Let’s not make it any bigger than it needs to be,” Melody replied, and he nodded like he understood her.

“SWAT it is, then,” he said, then frowned. “I hate giving the department something to boast about.”

They aren’t joking.

His eyes then drifted over to me. “And you’re still sitting at my table because …?”

I hate these people.

Getting up, I put the chair back at its original table.


“1945…” I coughed, giving them the last four digits of Noah’s number. I couldn’t remember at first, and between that and all the times I kept falling asleep, I was worried he’d lose it.

“This better be the right—” before he could finish, a light so bright I had close my eyes exploded into the room.

Seconds later, the windows shattered and I jumped, hearing voices shout, “ON THE GROUND!”

Opening my eyes as best I could, all I could see were the white letters S.W.A.T. on their vests. Everything else was a blur. Rushing to me, they pulled the chains at my wrists.

“KEYS!” One of them yelled, and I could vaguely see Bo, with a boot on his head, his face on the ground, motioning to something below.

“Got them,” the man before me said, unlocking my hands. When he did, I limped forward, my body completely giving way to gravity. He picked me up with ease.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance