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“Give me the keys!” I yelled and he threw them at me. “Stay here.”

I wasn’t just going to get her back. Bo and Frank were going fucking pay dearly, even if I had to make a pact with the devil himself.

Chapter Ten


Pulling to a stop in front of the restaurant, I saw them sitting at the window, casually talking to each other as my world was going up in flames.

“Can we help you?” Two men stepped in my path, flexing their muscles as if that was enough to get me to move.

“I’ve got an appointment—”

“No one disturbs Mr. and Mrs. Callahan while they’re at lunch. No one,” he said sternly, like a brick wall I was more than ready to blow up.

“I’ma say this once. Let me in or you’re going to wish you had when they find out the reason the police got Frank Sloan was because you didn’t have the balls to disturb them,” I replied.

They glanced at each other, and the man before me nodded at the guy behind him, who took his sweet old time dialing on his phone.

I glanced at my watch and then the map I had on the screen of my phone.

Fuck this shit. I thought, running between them.


“Liam!” I yelled, only getting a few steps into the empty restaurant when two of their men grabbed me.

He casually looked over to me, his green eyes annoyed as drank his brandy.

“Let him go,” the woman across from him said so softly I wasn’t sure how they heard her. But they did and released me, allowing me to get closer to them.

“If you knew how hard it is to get my wife on a date, you would not be in front of me right now,” Liam snapped, cutting into his steak.

“Mr. Sloan, it’s a pleasure. Please, grab a chair and sit,” she said, ignoring him completely and focusing on me.

“These are the coordinates to find Frank—”

“Maybe you didn’t hear me,” she said, reaching for her wine. “Grab a chair, Mr. Sloan, and sit.”

Inhaling, I reached over to the empty table beside her grabbed a damn chair and sat it down right between them.

“So your brother kidnapped your girlfriend? And I thought our family had issues,” Liam commented. You would have thought this had happened weeks ago and not only an hour.

“You came to me. You asked me to find my father and bring him to you. I’ve found him. I’m here to offer him—”

“Yes, with the whole nation now watching,” his wife, Melody, replied. “It was different when he was just a lone criminal. Now there’s a movie star involved, not to mention your brother. This is all messy.”

“Who’s better at dealing with messes than the Callahans?” I reminded her.

“Oh, flattery,” Liam smirked, “My wife tells me I’m egotistical, so this approach might work.”

“You’re really not going to let it go?” she sighed, shaking her head. I was doing my best to stay calm, even as they kept on as if I was not important.

“Not even a little bit. Ethan keeps trying to repeat it, but he can only manage ‘ego.’” He took another bite.

“Are you sure he’s not asking for an Eggo, like the waffles?” she replied and paused as he stared at her like she had just unlocked the secrets of the universe.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance