Page List


12:00 p.m.


“One second,” I said, staring at my watch.






“Ma’am, if you don’t have an appointment, I’m going to have to—”

“Actually,” I grinned, giving her my full attention. “I have an appointment with Mr. Darcy. Can you please let him know how sorry I am for being late?”

She looked me up and down, skeptical. “Name?”

“Felicity Harper.”

She typed on her computer, shaking her head at me, though she did manage to give me a fake smile.

“I’m sorry, but you aren’t on the list.”

“If you call him—”

“Sorry. I can’t do that either. You have to be on the list.” She cut me off, and I glared at her a moment. She had already killed my plan. Sighing, I pulled out my phone.

It only rang once.

“You’re late.” His voice was stern, smooth, and sent shivers up my spine.

“Apparently there’s a list my name isn’t on, according to”—I leaned forward to read her name tag—“Abigail.”

He hung up, and a second later her phone rang. Her eyes widened, and she stared at it in shock.

“You should get that,” I told her.

She seized the phone. “Hi—I mean sir— I’m sorry—No I—Yes, the list—”

She put the phone down and slipped me a badge. “Please go ahead, Ms. Harper. Top floor.”

“Thank you, Abigail!” Turning away from her, I headed toward the elevators, my heels clicking across the lobby. A giant D was in the center facing the glass.

Scanning my badge in front of the security guard, I made sure to get on the elevator quickly, closing the door before anyone else could get on behind me. Even though I knew it was kind of bitchy, I wanted some part of this to work, though Abigail had dampened the move. Theo and I were in the middle of foreplay. When the doors opened, he was standing there in a fitted black three-piece suit. To anyone else he would have seemed pissed from how hard his expression was, but I could see the lust.

“You’re late,” he said coldly.

I stepped out of the elevator right beside him and whispered, “I know. That’s why I wore a skirt.”

I headed directly to his office. His name was clearly printed on the frosted glass. I also made sure to put an extra something into my walk just for him. I felt him staring. Was it wrong that I was more excited because so many people were still at the office?

There was something wrong with me.

But I liked it.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance