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And so did he.


I made sure to have my secretary hold my calls before I entered my office. The sight of her sitting in my chair with the first four buttons of her shirt undone, her red bra exposed, feet in black heels up on my desk, almost made me lose control. I pulled off my tie and locked the door.

“Where’s your luggage?”

“In a taxi downstairs. Can you help me take care of that, Mr. Darcy?”

I reached for the phone next to her. She watched me intently but did not move at all. I called the driver. “There is a taxi in front of the building. Pay the tab and get the luggage from the back. I’ll be another hour.” She slowly uncrossed her legs, allowing me to see she had no underwear on. “Two hours. Let the pilot know as well.”

“Two hours? Your confidence always amazes me,” she said when I got off the phone.

I took the key from my pocket, opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out the gift I’d gotten for her. It even came in a wrapped box.

“For me?” She stood up, confused.

“I knew you would be late,” I said as I handed it to her.

She pulled on the bow and lifted the lid. She gaped at it for a moment as her eyes glazed over, and I could see her exhale deeply from her nose like she was trying to calm herself down. Finally, her hazel eyes refocused on me.

“You shouldn’t have. I could have brought my vibrator.” She smirked.

Taking off my jacket, I threw it on the chair, undid my cufflinks, and rolled up the sleeves.

“Come here.” I demanded. She didn’t even fight me, closing the distance between us immediately. I cupped her cheek. “I told you I only tempt what I can handle, and believe me, I can handle you. Now brace yourself against the desk.”

She bit her lips excitedly and gripped the edge of the desk. I pushed up her skirt up to her waist, exposing her smooth ass. She jumped slightly when I placed a hand firmly on it.


“Ah….” She let out a deep breath as she shivered.


I licked my lips.


She was holding back. I could have told her my office was soundproof, but where would be the fun in that?


“Yes….” She hissed under her breath.


She tightened her hold on the table as she tried to keep her legs crossed, her pussy already begging for more.


Watching her ass get progressively redder, my cock tightened. She wasn’t giving in yet. Her moans were still too soft. I need her to scream, to beg for me.

Taking the vibrator, I turned it on. It hummed beautifully, shaking my whole hand. Spreading her legs, I pressed it up against the lips of her pussy.

“Fuck.” She hissed, biting down on her lips harder as I rubbed back and forth against her folds. With each pass, she got wetter and wetter.

“You’re going to have to speak up, baby,” I said to her as I slowly slid it inside her.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance