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“I would like that.” I rubbed my face again, wiping away black streaks of mascara.

“Good,” he said.

By the time we got to Rowan’s I’d managed to compose myself.

Trent and Row were coming to tonight’s party too, and Rowan had insisted we get ready together

“I’ll see you later,” Jude leaned over kissing my cheek. I loved all his kisses, but there was something so sweet about when he kissed my cheek. It was such an innocent gesture, but it made me feel special because I was sure he’d never treated one of his conquests with such tender care.

I didn’t bother saying goodbye as I slipped from the truck since I’d be seeing him so soon.

Jude waited by the curb in his truck to make sure I got inside okay.

Before I could open the door Tristan came running out, screaming, “Jude! Jude!”

I looked behind me and upon seeing the little boy running for him Jude had gotten out of his truck. He let Tristan tackle him to the ground and they rolled around playfully.

The door opened and Rowan poked her head out. “Tristan! Leave Jude alone! He has to go home!”

The boys stopped rolling around and I noticed a few strands of grass stuck in Jude’s hair.

“I can stay for a few minutes,” Jude told her. Then to Tristan he said, “I have to go home and shower, but we can play for a little while.”

“Yay!” Tristan cried, throwing his arms around Jude. “You’re the best! Wait till you see the remote control dinosaur daddy got me. It’s so cool.” Tristan clapped his hands together excitedly and climbed off Jude’s lap. He ran for the door, barreling by me and inside. “Come on, Jude!”

Jude chuckled, smiling as he headed past me after the boy.

Tristan led Jude upstairs to his bedroom, clasping Jude’s large hand in his much smaller one. I had to admit, it was absolutely adorable watching them interact together.

Rowan closed and locked the door, shaking her head. “Boys,” she muttered, as if that was the answer to everything. Maybe it was.

We headed upstairs to the bedroom she shared with Trent. When we passed Tristan’s room we could hear them both making dinosaur noises. I happened to look inside and burst out laughing when I saw Jude impersonating a velociraptor. Day made.

Inside Rowan’s room she dragged me to the bathroom and set about doing my hair. She curled my hair and braided the pieces that normally framed my face. She then took bobby pins and secured the braided pieces. I’d been nervous about letting her do my hair and makeup but so far she was doing a stellar job. She kept my makeup light and shimmery. When I looked in the mirror my skin appeared to glow.

“Dress time,” she took my hand, leading me to her closet.

She searched through the racks for something suitable for me to wear.

“Hmm,” she tapped a finger against her lips, thinking. She pulled one out and held it up for my inspection. I shook my head no. “What about this one?” She asked, grabbing another.

It was a pretty pale yellow color, simple in cut but it would expose the barest peek of my breasts. She turned so I saw the back. My mouth fell open. The back was completely exposed except for a tiny strip of fabric at the top that connected the straps. The length was daringly short.

“Uh…” I paused, searching for what to say. “I think that’s so short my vagina would show.”

Rowan laughed, shaking her head at me. She thrust the dress against my chest and I was forced to grab it. “At least try it on. The color would be so pretty with your hair and tan.”

I sighed. There was no point arguing with Row. She always got her way.

I went back into the bathroom and closed the door, slipping into the dress. It was a little longer than I thought, but if I happened to bend over everyone would get a flash of my panties. That sounded like a great way to get everyone’s attention and be the talk of the town.

I opened the door to show Rowan.

“Ooh! That looks so pretty!” She jumped up and down excitedly. “You have to wear it.”

“Rowan,” I groaned, tugging on the hem as if by sheer willpower alone I could make it longer. It wasn’t working. “It’s too short.”

“No, it’s not,” she assured me.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance