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I groaned. There was no way she was going to let me out of the dress now.

“Fine, I’ll wear it,” I agreed, “but if anyone that’s not Jude sees my vagina then you better sleep with your eyes open.”

She laughed so hard her face turned red. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was dead serious.

“Oh, Tate, you’re something else.”

“Mhmm, you tell me that when I’m in jail and you’re missing an eye.”

She started laughing again.

“I notice your dress isn’t this short.” I pointed to the pale pink dress she’d changed into. The top hugged her chest and flared out at the hips, stopping above the knees.

“I’m a mother,” she answered simply.

I shook my head.

“Let me freshen my makeup and then we can go.”

“Lily’s already here?” I asked, referring to Trent’s mom.

Rowan nodded. “Yeah, and Jude left.”

My face fell, but I knew I’d see him soon. Besides, I knew he wanted to get home to shower and change before the party started. However, a part of me had hoped he might wait for me to get ready so we could leave together.

Rowan swiped mascara onto her lashes and a pink gloss on her lips. Fluffing her naturally straight hair she said, “Ready.”

We headed downstairs where she said goodbye to Tristan and Ivy. Trent stood in the family room playing with his beloved ferret.

Rowan hugged Lily and thanked her for watching the kids.

It was amazing how easily Rowan had become a part of Trent’s family. It had been a struggle on her end, but she’d finally allowed herself to embrace them completely. I knew she was particularly close with Trent’s older brother, Trace, who’d helped her through a rocky situation when things had gone to shit between her and Trent.

Trenton put Bartholomew, the ferret, back in his cage and washed his hands. Running his fingers through his black hair he kissed Ivy on the cheek and hugged his son and mom. “Love you guys,” he told them. Then he turned his gaze to Rowan. The love between them…it never ceased to amaze me. They were perfect for each other.

We took Trent’s Dodge Challenger again and like last time had to park a block away—and I was wearing heels. Great.

We entered the townhouse and my eyes immediately started searching for the only guy I wanted to see. I also steered clear of the bowl of gummy bears. I wasn’t going to have an episode like last time.

I separated myself from Trent and Row, moving through the dancing bodies as I searched for Jude.

I squeaked in surprise when a hand grabbed my wrist. I was pushed against the wall before a large body blocked me in.

I smiled, thinking it was Jude. But the guy staring back at me wasn’t Jude. Oh no, because I had the best luck in the whole world I was staring at Tyler, the doucheknozzle I gave my virginity to. He was nothing but a jerk and piece of scum.

My heart sped up—not from fear, but from anger. Tyler was the last person on the planet I ever wanted to see again.

“Let me go,” I squirmed against his hold but he was too strong.

“Nice to see

you too, Tatum.” He grinned, flicking his blond hair out of his eyes.

“There’s nothing nice about seeing you,” I spat venomously. I knew when he looked at me he could see the hate shimmering in my eyes. I’d never loved Tyler and our relationship had been based solely on sex—and it wasn’t even like we’d done it that much—but it had ended on a sour note when I caught him having sex with another girl in his car. In retaliation I’d taken a crowbar to his prized possession, a Chevrolet Camaro, and left a huge dent in the side. He could never prove it was me, but he knew anyway.

“Still got the same fiery personality, I see.” He smirked, lowering his head as if to kiss me. I clawed at his chest, trying to get enough space between us that I could get away.

“Go away, Tyler,” I growled. “I don’t have time for your bullshit.” I wondered why he was even back here. I thought he was away at one of the fancy state schools.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance