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The little boy looked up at his dad and nodded. Trace lowered his hand and then Dean started in again with a quieter chant of, “Sex, sex, sex.”

“Oh, God,” Olivia groaned. “Someone give him another word to say, please. Anything. I beg of you. He’s like a parrot, repeating every thing you say.”

Jude looked at Dean and said, “Tater Tot.”

Dean quieted and tilted his head. “Tater Tot?”

Jude nodded. “This,” he pointed at me, “is Tater Tot.”

Dean looked at me with a puzzled brow. “Tater, Tater, Tater,” he began to chant.

“Thanks,” Olivia shot Jude a smile.

“No problem,” he tilted his head in her direction.

“Why do you call Tatum that?” Tristan leaned around Trent and Row to peer at Jude.

“Because, her nickname’s Tate and it sounds a lot like Tater, so I settled on Tater Tot. Plus, it used to make her ears turn red anytime I said it. Now she doesn’t do it and I know it’s ‘cause she secretly likes it,” he chuckled, rubbing my shoulders.

I didn’t agree with him, but I didn’t deny it either, because he was right. Now I loved that stupid nickname, because Jude was the only person that called me that. I’d missed hearing him call me that during our time apart more than I’d care to admit.

When we finished eating people came to clear off the tables and take them away so the whole lawn was free for roaming.

A DJ started up in the corner and Jude grabbed my hand, dragging me over to where others were gathering to dance.

“Dance with me,” he pleaded, his bottom lip jutting out enough to be cute, but not look stupid.

I couldn’t resist that face, so of course I said yes.

It was a fast-paced country song and Jude seemed to know all the words, singing them under his breath as he spun me around.

Somehow I ended up with my back to his front. His hands fisted against the bottom of my dress, dragging it up dangerously high as I swayed my hips against his. He felt hard and lethal behind me, like a predator, but I wasn’t scared. I craved his touch. I needed it more than I needed the air I breathed.

He brushed my hair over my one shoulder before his hands returned to my hips. He pressed his face against my neck, planting small kisses to the skin there. I giggled as his stubble tickled me.

“God, I love that sound,” he groaned.

“What?” I asked, my voice light and carefree sounding.

“Your laugh,” he bit my earlobe. “It’s music to my ears.”

“That’s silly, Jude.” I closed my eyes and reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. “It’s just a laugh.”

“Nah, with you it’s not.” His voice grew deep with seriousness. “You used to never laugh, and now you do it all the time. It always makes me smile hearing it—knowing that you’re happy.”

“Mmm,” I leaned my body fully against him, playing with the hairs at the base of his neck, “I think you’re trying to flatter me.”

“Nope,” he bit my neck lightly, “just being honest, baby.”

The song changed to something slower and he turned me around so we faced each other once more. I let out a small scream as I stumbled, but he was quick to catch me before I could fall.

He held me close, leaning down to brush his forehead against mine. He was dressed casually today in a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt, but he also wore his favorite beanie.

“You know,” I laughed, remembering a conversation we had so long ago, “you never told me what these rules were you made with yourself that you’ve broken with me. Care to tell me about it now?” I smiled up at him.

He chuckled, kissing the end of my nose. “I can’t believe you remembered that.”

“I did,” I nodded. “So come on, tell me. I’m curious.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance