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“Well,” he grinned widely, “it was only one rule to be honest.”

I leaned my head back to stare into his warm brown eyes. “And what was it?” I asked, trying to keep the pleading tone from my voice.

He lowered his head to whisper in my ear. “Never fall in love.”

I closed my eyes and let out a happy, contented sigh. I leaned up on my tiptoes, and with my fingers tangled in his hair I tilted his head down so I could reach his ear. “Funny, Brooks. I had the same rule.”

He grinned down at me with a boyish smile. “It’s amazing how these things work out, isn’t it?”

I smiled in response and leaned my head against his chest. Listening to the steady thump, thump, thump of his heart. My laugh was music to his ears and this was my music. “Amazing,” I agreed, letting my eyes drift closed.

“It’s time for the fireworks!” Someone yelled and the music cut off.

I jumped as one boomed in the sky and then my mouth fell open in awe at the display. These were real fireworks. Not the kind you got at the stand by 7-Eleven.

Someone handed Jude and me sparklers and then lit them for us.

Tristan ran by us with two in his hands, laughing as Dean chased him. Rowan cried after him, worrying about him getting burned, while Trent chuckled, “He’s a boy, leave him alone.”

I leaned my head on Jude’s shoulder, a small smile on his lips.

I used to think I didn’t have a family, but looking around at my friends and the man by my side that I loved more than anything, I knew that I did have a family. I wasn’t alone. I was surrounded by people that loved me and I loved them just as much in return.

For so long I’d closed myself off from caring about anything and anyone. It was so much easier to build a fortress around my heart than risk getting hurt, but then this crazy cocky guy knocked it down and showed me what life was really about.

I smiled up at him and he turned his head to smile at me.

Fireworks lit up the night sky above us as we swayed our sparklers through the air.

A part of me wanted to stay frozen in this moment forever, but life didn’t have a pause button and you had to keep moving forward. So that’s what I was doing.

Chapter Thirty

As I drove to the farm my hand shook with nerves against the steering wheel. I wasn’t even nervous for myself, oh no this shaking jittery mess I’d become was reserved solely for worrying about Jude.

I hoped and prayed that everything went okay when he met Julia and Archer. I was going to be there for support, but there wasn’t much I could do to distract him if this turned out to be a really bad idea. On second thought, I could probably flash him my boob and he’d be a happy camper.

I’d stopped at Starbucks on my way to the farm and gotten myself an iced coffee. I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night and needed the caffeine to keep me awake.

The lack of sleep was due entirely to the fact that while we were having lunch with Julia and Archer, my dad would be arriving home. Jude and I were supposed to have dinner with him and I was worrying myself sick over what might transpire between us.

Today was going to be full of family time, but I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

When I pulled up in front of the farmhouse I spotted Jude sitting on the porch steps, his elbows resting on his knees with his head in his hands. He looked as tired as me. I got out of the car, coffee in hand, and sat down beside him.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, staring out at the horses grazing beyond us.

“Scared out of mind,” he admitted. “I have a fucking brother, how weird is that, Tate?” He peered down at me with his dark eyes. “But what if he hates me? What if all this blows up in my face?”

I set my drink beside me on the step and wrapped my hands around his muscular arm, giving it a light squeeze. “You can’t worry about that,” I shrugged. “Think positive. He might be a really cool guy, or he could be a major douche nozzle, in which case I will gladly kick him in the balls for you.” I smiled innocently, batting my eyelashes.

That got him to laugh, which had been my goal. “You’d that for me, wouldn’t you?”

“Uh, of course,” I looked at him like I was crazy. “I already took on a guy three times my size for you. I think I’ve proven my worth. After all, look at this face,” I pointed at myself, “no one expects me to be such a badass, so they never see me coming.”

“God, I love you,” he laughed, slinging his arm over my shoulders and pulling my body against his. He rubbed his face into my hair, humming under his breath.

I narrowed my eyes. “Are you trying to distract me with your declarations of love?” I slid away from him, quirking my lips so he’d know I was only joking. “Check out these muscles, Brooks,” I flexed my arms. “I’m like your own personal bodyguard.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance