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“Are you bad?” I asked.

His brows furrowed together. “I don’t know. I’ve never actually tried to sing


“Maybe you should try,” I pointed to the stage.

“Um, yeah, no. If I ever sing, the first time will not be on a stage in front of a bunch of people,” he shook his head rapidly. “No way.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Would you guys mind watching Dean while we sing?” Olivia asked, holding tightly to the toddler.

“Isn’t that why you asked me to come?” Trent retorted.

“Well, yeah,” Olivia shrugged. “We have to use you while you’re home. Dean doesn’t like to be left with anyone else, but you. Not even your mom or my mom.”

“That’s because Dean has good taste in people,” Trent joked.

Griffin appeared by our table, asking if we wanted to order anything. Trent asked for a beer, and I asked for water. This was seriously the weirdest coffee house around. I mean, how many coffee shops have menus like a restaurant, a stage, and they serve beer? I think Griffin strove for uniqueness.

“They’re calling our names. Oh God,” Olivia mumbled, looking like she might throw up.

“It’ll be fine,” Trace assured her. “You’ll be fine,” he reinforced, taking her face between his hands and giving her a kiss that shouldn’t be legal in public. I found myself turning away, feeling like I was witnessing something that was best kept private.

Trace stood, as did Olivia, who reluctantly handed Dean to Trent as they headed for the stage.

“Row?” Dean asked, finally spotting me. His arms reached out for me as he tried to climb out of Trent’s hold. I took the baby into my arms and he smiled goofily up at me.

I held Dean in my arms as I looked towards the stage. Trace picked up a guitar and sat down on a stool, scooting the microphone towards him. Olivia grabbed another stool and sat down. Her eyes were closed and she was taking deep breaths.

Trace said something into the microphone, no doubt charming the crowd, but I couldn’t pay attention because Dean had grabbed a strand of my hair and was currently yanking on it as he tried to shove it in his mouth.

Trent noticed and began to laugh, but he was quick to help untangle me from the tight hold. I’m pretty sure Dean ripped out a few hairs.

“That’s not nice,” Trent scolded, tapping Dean on the nose.

My heart surged with an emotion I couldn’t begin to describe. Seeing Trent with Dean…it was amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Dean held his arms out for Trent and then proceeded to yank Trent’s beanie off his head.

“He’s about to hit the terrible twos,” Trent explained. “Trace and Olivia are in for it with this monster,” he tickled Dean’s stomach.

I laughed, ruffling the baby’s hair.

My ears finally seemed to register that Trace and Olivia were singing. Both of their voices were incredible, but together they sounded phenomenal. My mouth dropped open in surprise as they covered Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

“Wow,” I gasped. “They’re unbelievable.”

“I know, right,” Trent grinned, wrangling a squirming Dean.

I listened closely to the song and watched their interactions, how they sang to each other and not the crowd. It was a beautiful thing to watch. I was in awe, and I wasn’t afraid to show it. When they finished and sat down across from us once more, I bit down on my tongue to keep from gushing. I didn’t want to embarrass them or myself.

Trace took Dean and deposited the squirming child in his lap. I began to laugh when I realized the father and son were wearing matching blue plaid shirts. I wondered how they’d ever found a child’s shirt to match.

“Mew Mew,” Dean protested, reaching for Trent.

“That’s Uncle Trent. Mew Mew isn’t here,” Trace told his son. “They don’t let carpet sharks run around restaurants.”

I spat out my water. Thank God none of it landed on Olivia. It just splattered on the table.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance