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“Carpet shark?” I asked.

“That’s what he calls Bartholomew,” Trent explained. “He thinks he’s so clever.”

“I am clever,” Trace grinned, “among other things, like the most amazing kisser in the universe, and the best sex you’ll never have.”

I blushed, but the stain in my cheeks in no way compared to the one infusing Olivia’s.

“Ow,” Trace groaned, and I figured Olivia had punched him in the leg.

“We’re going to head out now,” Olivia said, standing and pulling on her camel colored leather coat. “Now that my husband has made me feel thoroughly uncomfortable, that’s the cue that it’s time to go home.”

“Shit,” Trace mumbled. “I’m in trouble.”

“Oh, yes, you are,” Olivia stared him down.

It was funny though, because despite her obvious mortification, I didn’t think she was actually really that mad at him, and more that she was putting on a show to scare him into never doing it again.

They grabbed up their stuff and disappeared into the crowd, but not before saying goodbye. I really liked those two, and they were cute together. I also felt that given time I could end up being friends with Olivia.

“Do you want to stay? Or head out?” Trent asked.

I thought for a moment. “I’m ready to leave, but I don’t want to go home yet.”

He grinned at my words, clearly pleased with them. He finished his beer and slapped some bills on the table.

“Let’s go.”

It took me a moment to get my coat buttoned and pull my mittens on. Trent grabbed my hand again and we made our way outside.

I’d grown hot in Griffin’s and the cool air felt like heaven against my heated skin.

“It’s snowing!” I exclaimed, smiling at the large snowflakes falling from the sky.

I spread my arms out wide and stuck my tongue out in the hopes of catching one.

“Rowan, what are you doing?” Trent laughed as he watched me act like a little kid.

I continued to spin around, marveling at the sound escaping me. I was giggling. I don’t know if I’d ever giggled in my entire life.

“I’m living,” I finally answered as the snow swirled around us. I had never allowed myself to let go and be so free. I was finding that I really liked it. I felt like a weight was being lifted from my shoulders as I danced down the street, the snow falling into my hair, and sticking to my clothes. The cold didn’t touch me though. I was oddly warm, Trenton’s gaze heating my body.

I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing and suddenly I started to fall right into the street, straight into oncoming traffic. Trent darted forward, wrapping a solid hand around my arm and yanking me against his chest before I could go splat. My body thudded against his with the impact and we stumbled back.

“Whoa,” he said, one hand on my waist, trying to balance us and keep us from falling. I clasped the soft fabric of his coat in my hands. I looked into his eyes and I was overcome by the one emotion I fought so hard to keep dormant—desire.


I didn’t think. I didn’t hesitate. I took what I wanted. I was tall, but Trenton was taller, so I brought myself up to my tiptoes and crashed my lips against his. My heart raced in my chest at the intensity. The hand that was at my waist came up to cup the nape of my neck, his fingers gathering my long hair in its grasp. He lightly bit my bottom lip and growled against my lips, “I can’t deny this much longer. I want your legs wrapped around my waist, and I want to bury myself deep inside you.”

I gasped at his words. Boldly, I leaned up and whispered in his ear, “Then do it.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers digging into my hip. His eyes scanned my face, searching for something. A shiver passed over his body and he closed his eyes. Opening them, he bit his lip, and it had to be the sexiest thing I had ever seen. “Are you sure?”

“Do you even need to ask?” I gasped, looking up at him as snowflakes stuck to my lashes.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he took my face between his two large hands and kissed me until I forgot about everyth

ing except him. My cheeks warmed from the heat of his hands and my lips moved against his like they had a mind of their own.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance