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I pulled my hair back, securing it with a hair tie, and shoved the book away from me. I’d been reading the same sentence for the last thirty minutes, and that wasn’t like me. I knew what my problem was. I kept waiting to feel the familiar tingles that announced Trent’s presence. But they weren’t coming. He was at school and I had at least two more weeks before I’d see him. Trent had succeeded in invading my every thought—just like he had when we were in high school. After our friendship ended I never stopped thinking about him or wishing for things that I knew would never come true. So, it was easy for me to fall for him—he already stole my heart a long time ago, and I never got it back…I think that was part of the reason I tended to feel so hollow inside.

“Are you okay?” Tatum’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I forced a small smile, “I’m fine.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are so not fine. I’m your friend, talk to me,” she pleaded.

I wished I could, but I didn’t know how to open up. Expressing my feelings didn’t come naturally to me. My mom had made me feel like a worthless piece of shit—always wanting me to be invisible and never to speak. I didn’t even know how to put into words what I was feeling.

“It’s nothing,” I shrugged, reluctantly sliding the book towards me so I could resume studying.

Tate shook her head, her pretty blonde hair swishing around her shoulders. “Sometimes, I just don’t get you,” she mumbled.

I flinched at her tone, knowing I should tell her that I missed Trent, but it wasn’t that easy for me. I felt ridiculous for even missing the guy; to voice those words out loud…it made me feel weak, like I was admitting that I needed him…which I didn’t. I was perfectly fine on my own. I wouldn’t allow myself to be dependent on someone else for my happiness, I’d only end up disappointed in the end.

I knew I should say something to Tatum, apologize for my inability to talk to her, but I couldn’t.

I went back to my studies and only faltered when a little while later Tate muttered under her breath, “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

I’d never heard Tatum cuss before, so my eyes widened in surprise. I put the book down to see what had made her suddenly so venomous and found her staring at Jude.

“You two know each other?” I questioned.

Tatum’s eyes were murderous. “You know him?” She countered.

“He’s my friend?” I don’t know why my words came out sounding like a question.

“Well, if it isn’t little Tate,” Jude smirked, his eyes lingering on her chest, which was concealed by a thick black sweater, and finally venturing up to make eye contact.

“Jude,” she spat out the word like it was something sour in her mouth. “I see you haven’t changed since high school.”

He chuckled, shrugging off his backpack, and dropping it onto the table. He pulled out a chair and plopped down across from Tatum.

“And I see you still have that same fiery attitude,” he leaned forward.

“Don’t think I won’t kick you in the balls again,” she warned.

“Once was enough,” he grinned crookedly, eyeing her with mischief in his eyes, “I assure you I’ve healed though, and I’m in perfect working order if you’d like to check it out.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re a pig.”

“And you,” he leaned forward, steepling his fingers, “are a tease.”

I watched their back and forth banter like one would a tennis match. I was mesmerized and disgusted all at once.

“I don’t think it counts as being a tease if you’re only trying to avoid contracting some nasty disease,” she sneered, gathering up her books. “You never could handle rejection.”

“What can I say? I’m not used to it,” he smirked cockily, crossing his arms behind his head as he watched her stand and sling her backpack over her shoulder. “Don’t worry though, I quite enjoy a chase, and this one is only starting,” he winked.

“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes before leveling him with a glare, “I would’ve thought four whole years of rejection would have been enough for you. Don’t waste your time with me,” she pointed a finger at him, “because you’re never getting these off,” she dramatically lifted the bottom of her shirt and reached down to hook her thumb through the top of her panties.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder, stealthily flashing him her middle finger, then storming away dramatically.

Jude wore a funny smile—one I couldn’t quite pinpoint—then he looked over at me. “She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to marry that girl.”

I snorted. “Your confidence amazes me.”

“It’s the truth,” he shrugged, glancing over his shoulder as her form disappeared around the corner, “that girl…there’s something about her.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance