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My heart has been constantly racing since Julian’s visit yesterday. I don’t want my dad to get in cosmic trouble because of me. Rumors that he teamed up with his younger brother are bad enough, but what will happen if they find out he killed Remiel? Would he be sentenced to death? Thrown in Hell and cast in chains along with Lucifer?

The doorbell rings and I get up. I ordered food from Suzie’s and paid extra to have someone deliver it, giving in just this one time to Lucas’s insistence to spend money for unnecessary things because we can. Grabbing cash from Lucas’s wallet, I go to the front door.

“Hi,” I tell the young delivery driver.

“I have an order for Callie,” the girl says, curiously looking behind me. She’s a non, and I’m sure this house renovation has been a subject of curiosity amongst the nonmagical people in Thorne Hill. Lately, I’ve kind of forgotten we’re surrounded by so many normal people. Oh, to be blissfully ignorant and have no fucking clue how much danger the entire world is in.

“That’s me. Thanks so much.” I hand her the wad of cash and take my food. I’ve never ordered the chili cheeseburger before yet had to have it as soon as I saw a photo of it on Suzie’s Instagram page. I might have spent a good deal of time scrolling through social media instead of doing research this morning.

It was Betty’s idea to feature us as well as the books, and the post she put up today about Kristy is getting a lot of love and interaction. The photo is of her and Olive in her garden, tending to the insane number of herbs and potted plants she has. The post tells our followers a little about Kristy and her “pet” bunny and how gardening is her favorite hobby. The post ends with asking what everyone’s favorite hobby is, and it’s fun seeing so many people comment.

“You have a package over here,” the delivery girl tells me, motioning to a box that was set on the bench to the right of the front door. “I’ll grab it for you.”

“Oh, thanks so much.”

The box isn’t heavy, and I tuck it under my arm, more interested in my food. I set the box on the counter and then notice it’s addressed to me, not Lucas. I take a big bite of my burger before I get a knife and slice open the packing tape. I pull a white box out of the plain cardboard box. There’s a logo on the pretty box that’s familiar but I can’t place it right away.

I put the box down and take another bite of my burger.

“Oh, good.” Lucas comes into the kitchen. “I wasn’t sure if it would arrive on time.”

Wiping my fingers, I go back to the white box and carefully take the lid off.

“What’s all this?” I ask, holding up a midnight-blue dress. It’s from a designer brand that makes maternity clothes, and I only know that because Eliza insisted I order myself “something nicer” than what I bought when I went shopping with my friends a few weeks ago.

Lucas’s eyes meet mine, making my heart flutter. “I’m taking you on a proper date, and I won’t take no for an answer.” He strides over and takes me in his arms, one hand going to the small of my back, and pulls me against him. “You are my love, my wife, and you deserve a night off. Plus, I like showing you off.” His hands slide around and settle on my stomach. “Especially when everyone looks at you and knows I fucked you.”

“I love you,” I tell him, on the verge of tearing up. “Thank you.”

Lucas kisses me, and if I didn’t want to finish my burger while it was still warm, I’d push him down and have my way with him. But priorities, right? A warmed-over burger just isn’t the same. “Where are you taking me tonight?”

“The French restaurant you liked before, but this time we won’t be interrupted. Unless you’d rather try something new.”

I shake my head. “I want to go back to that place. I might have dreamed about baguettes the other night.”

Lucas laughs. “Good. I’ll cancel the backup reservation I made just in case you did want to go somewhere else. And after dinner, I have a private tour set up for us at the Art Institute.”

“When did you do all this?”

“I ordered the dress a few days ago, and when I saw it was on track to arrive on time, I set everything else up last night.”

“You were able to get two dinner reservations and a private tour with only twenty-four hours’ notice? I don’t want to know how much that cost.” I raise my eyebrows. “And here I was thinking I was living large by paying for someone to deliver food from the local diner.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy