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“Free will is a tricky thing and doesn’t come without a cost.” Julian presses his lips together. “Know that not all feel this way. Chamuel in particular doesn’t want to see any unnecessary carnage on earth.”

“What about my father?” I ask. “Please tell me he’s not going along with this. He knows the truth, doesn’t he?”

“He does. I was able to speak with him, and it was under his direction that Alona and I search for the broken amulet. There is something you should know, Callie.” Julian tenses, and he diverts his eyes from mine to look out the window behind me. He’s a spit it out kind of person, not stopping to think how whatever he’s going to say will make someone feel. Whatever he’s about to say is going to be bad.

“What is it?” Lucas’s voice is steady as usual, giving me comfort. His arm goes around me, physically supporting me as well. He really is my rock. My anchor. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

“Michael’s recent distance hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

“Because he’s been taking time to visit me?” I shake my head. “He’s been here like a collective twenty minutes.”

“It’s not just being here,” Julian goes on. “It’s the time he’s taken to cover tracks. To stop rumors before they spread.” He looks back at me. “Uriel is starting to get suspicious.”

“Chamuel and Uriel are my uncles?” I ask, needing to be sure.

“Aunt and uncle. We were hoping we may be able to sway Chamuel to our side. Where your father is the fighter, Chamuel is the lover. Her strength lies in acceptance and unconditional love. If any of your relatives could be won over, I would have thought it was her, not Lucifer,” Julian says and then shakes his head, getting back to the subject. “I myself had to dispel rumors before I could accept what I heard through the grapes as truth.”

Not bothering to correct him on another misused human phrase, I swallow hard and suck in air, waiting for him to go on.

“The rumors aren’t true, but the words are being said. I heard the same rumor whispered between angels, and they all come from the same source: Uriel.”

“Someday, we’re going to have a chat about cutting to the fucking point,” Lucas chides. “Tell us what the rumor is.”

“Michael is working with Lucifer, and they both are behind letting the Horsemen out. Michael and Lucifer were close before Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven, and they’re close again.” He frowns. “Uriel wants the others to turn against your father.”

I sink back down on the couch, heart in my throat. The rumor isn’t a total rumor since there is truth in it. My father and Lucifer are working together, but they’re working together to help keep me safe.

“There has been no mention of the Nephilim,” Julian adds, as if that’s supposed to make me feel better. “Not yet, at least. Though if Uriel sends angels to investigate his claims and they descend upon the underworld, they will hear the chatter amongst the demons.”

“And the demons know I exist, and they know Michael is my father.”

“Right.” Julian frowns again. “We are already coming up with a way to disprove Uriel’s lies,” he assures me. “Which will get harder if anyone finds out Lucifer isn’t in Hell.”

“The cloaking spell is still working? I wasn’t sure how long it would last on someone as powerful as Lucifer.”

“You are powerful as well,” Julian replies. “And yes, the cloaking spell is still working. The other archangels have not been able to sense him on earth.”

Maybe that could work in our favor. How? I have no fucking clue. But talk about a secret weapon, right?

Julian tips his head, as if he’s trying to listen to something far away. “Alona thinks she found something promising. I need to go.” He puts his hand on my shoulder and then steps back, disappearing as quickly as he came.

“I thought talking to Julian would make you feel better,” Lucas says apologetically.

“Um, I feel a little better but also much more concerned.”

Lucas sits on the couch next to me and puts an arm around me. “What do you feel better about?”

“The others don’t know Lucifer is here. If he gets all the partying out of his system…maybe…maybe he can help us. Two archangels are better than one, though having my dad and Lucifer team up would only prove Uriel’s lies.”

“Teaming up to save the world is different than teaming up to unleash destruction.”

“You’re right. And maybe…” I trail off and shake my head.

“What?” Lucas moves my hair off my neck.

“Maybe Kristy is right after all. It’s going to be up to me to stop the Horsemen.”

Chapter 17

I close the book and rub my temples, letting out a sigh. “I wish I could have more coffee,” I tell Freya. She’s lying on the floor in the library, not helping me go through the books Evander dropped off this morning. Lucas has another few to translate, and I’m wishing for his vampire speed right about now.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy