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“Your family is… interesting,” Ian murmured into his ear.

Miles gave a laugh. “You’ll get used to it,” he said. “My family is a lot less scary than yours.”

Ian’s eyes were dead serious as he squeezed Miles’s hand. “My family will treat you well,” he said quietly. “I promise.”

Miles should have laughed it off—Ian couldn’t promise such a thing—except that he could feel that Ian meant it. If his family didn’t treat Miles well, Ian would make them.

Miles shivered, his stomach squirming and heat pulling to his crotch. Right. This shouldn’t be actually turning him on, what the fuck.

Thinking the most disgusting, unsexy thoughts—his brothers would never let him live it down if he got a boner in front of them—Miles pecked Ian on the cheek and steered him toward the couch. He made Ian sit and sat down next to him. Ignoring everyone in the room, he put his head on Ian’s shoulder and snuggled up to him.

It took Miles a few hours before he stopped feeling so embarrassingly clingy—before he could convince himself that Ian wouldn’t disappear if he left him for a moment.

He was still hurrying back to Ian’s side after leaving the loo when he literally ran into Zach.

“I want to talk to you,” Zach said, catching his arm and pulling him aside.

Miles threw a glance toward Ian, who was talking to Sandra and James on the other side of the living room.

Zach snorted. “You can survive a few minutes without him, kid.”

Miles flushed. Was he that obvious?

Something like amusement flickered across Zach’s face before it turned serious. “Look, I’m not judging. But are you sure this is a good idea, Miles? He’s eleven years older than you.”

“You’re almost nine years older than Tristan,” Miles said defensively.

Zach gave him a pinched look. “You’re not Tristan. Tristan practically raised himself from a very young age. You’re the baby of the family—”

“I love him, Zach. I trust him. He makes me happy.”

His brother’s expression softened. “Okay. That’s the important thing, I guess.” He gave Miles a rueful smile. “Sorry, it wasn’t meant to be an interrogation. I just worry about you. I’ll always worry about you, kid.”

Miles smiled at him, his eyes stinging. “I know.” Stepping forward, he gave his brother a tight hug. He loved him so much. “You’ll be just a flight away, anyway. But you don’t need to worry. I feel safe with him. Even safer than with you.”

Zach laughed. “Okay, that’s a bit insulting.”

Laughing, Miles looked at Ian across the room and their eyes met, blue locking with green. I love you. I love you so much.

Miles smiled at Ian and said softly, “No. That’s the highest compliment. For both of you.”

The End

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