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He must have found what he was looking for because the next moment, Ian was finally kissing him.

Miles moaned, his trembling lips clinging to Ian’s as tightly as his body did. The world rearranged itself and clicked, the sense of displacement and wrongness that he’d felt all these months finally disappearing. This was right, this was perfect; he was made for this man and no one else. Christ, it felt like he was drinking cool water after a long, long drought.

“You’re mine,” Ian said when they reluctantly parted for air. “Well, and I guess Liam’s too. He’s been asking about his ‘My’ every day. So I’m not leaving England without you.”

Miles could only laugh. “You’re impossible,” he said, looking into Ian’s blue eyes. “When are we leaving?”

Ian smirked. Such an arrogant smirk had no right to be so attractive and endearing.

“Tomorrow?” Ian said.

Miles rolled his eyes. “At least you phrased it as a question,” he said with a laugh, taking Ian’s hand. “No, I can’t just cancel my life here and move to America in half a day! You’re being ridiculous—”

Ian kissed him again.

When he finally let him breathe, Miles blinked at him blearily, tingly and warm down to his toes. “What was that for?”

“I love you,” Ian said, his expression completely serious this time.

Miles’s chest grew tight. He pressed his face against Ian’s neck, breathed in his scent, and said, “I’ll fucking kill you if you ever get behind the wheel again.”

Ian chuckled. “I’ll make sure you’ll have a legal right to access my deathbed if I do.”

Miles scowled. “Don’t you dare joke about it—” He cut himself off when he realized what Ian was implying.

“Don’t joke about it,” he repeated, softer. Surely Ian didn’t mean what he thought he meant.

“I’m not joking,” Ian said, his voice steady. “Maybe not now, but it will happen at some point. I want you to be legally mine so that no one in my family can throw you out of my house as soon as I’m not there.”

His eyes stinging and his throat thick with emotion, Miles lifted his head and smiled at him. “All I want is for you to always be there, okay?”

“I will be,” Ian said, kissing his forehead, his nose, then his lips.

When Miles whined and tried to prolong the kiss, Ian laughed and pulled back a little. “Let’s go inside before we end up having sex right here on the porch. I don’t think your brother is my biggest fan as it is.”

Miles grinned and raised his eyebrows. “Which one? I have four of them.”

Snorting, Ian took his hand and pulled him toward the front door.

Miles let him, still grinning, his chest full and warm. So this was what happiness felt like. He’d almost forgotten.

Of course, he knew it wasn’t going to be all sunshine and roses. There was Ian’s family to think about. They were unlikely to be happy about Miles if Amanda’s reaction was anything to go by. There was also the matter of the Rutledges—it was unlikely that Ian had completely abandoned his revenge plans. There was also the fact that he’d have to leave his classes, his family and his friends when he moved to America. The prospect seemed a little daunting.

But his apprehensions disappeared the moment he looked at Ian. He loved this man, loved him so much, despite all his flaws and stubborn, high-handed ways. Harry was right: home was where the heart was, and as long as they worked together to overcome those obstacles, everything would be fine.

After all, he could always transfer to a better school—there were plenty of great universities in the Boston area. His family would be just a flight away. Ian’s family would likely prove to be a challenge, but Miles had never really met people who hadn’t grown to like him. He could win them over.

As for the Rutledges… That would likely be the most challenging part, but come to think of it, Ian hadn’t exactly been firm in his refusal when Miles had broached the subject before. Ian might change his mind yet if Miles was persistent and very persuasive.

Miles licked his lips, gazing at Ian’s handsome profile.

Yeah, he could definitely be persuasive. He was very much looking forward to it.

Miles was smiling as they entered the house, hand in hand.

“Aww, look at that smile!” Tyler teased him with a wink. “Someone looks well-snogged.”

Sandra, James, Vanessa, and Tristan laughed, while Miles’s older brothers looked a combination of uncomfortable and amused.

Miles rolled his eyes, refusing to be ashamed. “You have no room to talk, Ty,” he said, taking off his coat and slipping his hand back into Ian’s. He looked at all of his siblings pointedly. “None of you do, actually, so shut it, you hypocrites.”

“Okay, he has a point,” Ryan said, chuckling and giving his fiancé a deep, filthy kiss, causing catcalls and laughter.

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