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The rest of the drive to Fox’s she spent looking in her rearview every ten seconds, but the Jaguar hadn’t reappeared.

She pulled into Fox’s driveway, trying to calm her nerves. No way could she tell Fox about this. He’d flip. Not only could it start a war but it would seriously hinder her career goals. Putting on her best poker face, she left her car and walked up the path.

Fox was in the doorway grinning at her by the time she made it there.

“Hi.” He grabbed her and kissed her deeply. With an arm around her lower back, he pulled her closer as he pressed his body against hers, bowing her slightly backward.

Apparently the man had missed her.

When he finally let her go, her head felt a little fuzzy. Just before she followed him inside, she checked one more time for the Jaguar that’d been tailing her. Bushes blocked her view of the road but it hadn’t pulled into the driveway at least. It would’ve been a stupid move but she didn’t know whether this rival gang would attack in broad daylight or at all. Maybe she was in over her head.

When she turned back to Fox, he was looking down at her through narrowed eyes. “What are you looking for?”

“Huh? Nothing.” She did her best to smile reassuringly but he still seemed suspicious. Shit. The last thing she needed was him freaking out and getting overprotective again.

“I won’t tolerate lying, Addison.” The sharpness of his voice triggered her submissive instincts, making her want to please him.

She sighed. “Fine. It seemed like maybe someone was tailing me on my way here.” She couldn’t lie to him but she could downplay things a bit. “But I took some turns and lost him.”

“That’s it.” He pulled her through the door then shut it behind her. “You’re not to drive anywhere by yourself anymore. You take one of us when you leave the house.”

Her mouth fell open in shock. He was kidding, right? “That’s ridiculous!”

“I mean it, Addison,” he warned. “Obey me or I’ll tie you up in my basement.”

It was hard to decide if her brain or her body responded to his threat more strongly. “Mmm,” she purred, moving closer to him. Shamelessly, she looked him over. Maybe he’d have sex with her before they got to work.

He arched a brow. “You’re not supposed to look excited about my threats, little perv.”

“I can’t help it.” She reached for his arm, sliding her hand over his bicep, feeling his muscle there. Strong enough to pin her down and have his way with her. “I’m remembering what we did last time we were in your basement.”

“Hmm.” He wrapped his arms around her, eyes twinkling. “I probably shouldn’t have let you come.”

When she scowled up at him, he chuckled then kissed her forehead. “Come on. I have a project for you.”

Maybe she’d distracted him enough to forget the ridiculous idea of being her personal chauffeur, though now she had the overwhelming urge to steer him to the basement. But the project he’d called her over for had her curious. They could always have sex later.

They walked to the garage and she spotted a worktable with a bunch of broken computer pieces. After a quick survey, she turned to him and asked, “What are you trying to make?”

“A garage-door opener. There’s a device that can hack into any garage-door opener frequency and open the garage without needing the specific manufacturer opener.”

She nodded along, already piecing it together in her head.

“Think you can do it?” He smirked.

“Is that a challenge?”


“What do I get if I can?”

He shrugged. “A cookie?”

Laughing, she walked to the table and began studying the pieces. “I doubt you can bake cookies better than Mariella. She’s a baking wizard.”

“You’ve never seen me bake.”

She snorted. “Steals fast cars and bakes cookies? What more could a girl ask for?”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic