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He moved in behind her and slid his arms around her waist. Burying his nose in her hair, he inhaled loudly then moaned. “You smell fucking delicious.”

Though her body wanted to melt against him, or maybe bend over the worktable to tempt him into fucking her, she had to resist. “Am I working or are we fucking?” she said. “I’m not sure where my brain is supposed to be going right now.”

With a groan, he released her. “Quit being so sexy and get to work.”

Scoffing, she gave him the finger over her shoulder. He chuckled and swatted her ass, then crossed the garage. “I’m gonna clean up over here. My slacker cousin left tools all over the place after tinkering with the Spyder the other day. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Got it.” She was already organizing the materials. Someone knew what they were doing because they’d supplied her with the exact equipment she needed. Fox had said Atlas was a decent computer hacker, so why would they need her help with this? She wondered if this project was some kind of test. If they really needed her to do it because they couldn’t themselves, why would they have all the pieces for it already?

To get some answers, she said slyly, “So you really don’t know how to build one of these?”

“No,” he answered from the other side of the garage.

She looked over to see what he was doing. A tall tool cabinet was open and Fox was restocking it, placing items in one at a time.

“Strange. Here I thought you were professionals. I mean, a universal garage-door opener is pretty standard stuff.”

He didn’t answer so she pushed.

“I bet even Marcel could make one.” She tossed him a cocky smile. Why wasn’t the man admitting he knew what he was doing?

“Are you looking for a spanking?” he growled. “Because all you have to do is ask.”

It wasn’t an answer but it was a hell of a distraction. Thoughts of garage-door openers fled her mind as warmth trickled down from her belly toward her pussy.

“Provoking me is not going to get you what you want, bad girl.”

Mmm. Fuck he was hot. “It’s not?”

“You can ask nicely.”

For a spanking? No, thank you. She had better things in mind. “Please will you fuck me on the hood of this car, Fox?”

He let out a long groan. A moment later, he cleared his pained expression and said firmly, “No. We’re going to have a nice conversation that doesn’t deteriorate into sex for once.” Shaking his head, he teased, “So demanding, this girl.”

“Are you seriously complaining that we have too much sex and don’t talk enough?”

“Are you seriously offended that I want to talk to you rather than fuck you?” The bastard smirked. “Besides, it’s good for you to wait for what you want once in a while.”

“Sadist.” She sucked her teeth, wondering how determined he’d be in the face of temptation. Probably very.

“Yup. Get back to work, sexy.”

Grumbling, she looked back down at her project, remembering the real reason she’d provoked him. “Seriously. You’ve pretty much set this project up already. What’s the point? It’s obvious you know how to build it.”

He sighed and moved in beside her. “Yes. I know how to build it.”

“So you’re testing me? Or is this like a pity job to make me feel important?” Offended now, she snapped, “Because that’s pretty condescending, Fox.”

He shook his head. “It’s nothing like that. The guys wanted to see how much you knew. We needed a starting point. To know how best to use your skills.”

“Why not just ask?”

Leaning against the worktable, he crossed his arms over his chest. “The guys we’ve worked with before . . . they talk a big game. It’s easier to trust people when we can see firsthand what they can do.”

Though it made sense, it still stung a little. “So you don’t trust me?”

“Not me. I trust you. But I need Luke and Atlas to be on board with this. If I can show them what you can do, it’ll be easier for me to bring you in. Understand?”

Tags: Sparrow Beckett Masters of Adrenaline Erotic