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“And to think I was about to go home,” Kode says, smirking.

“I’m going to grab a bottle of water instead of finishing my drink,” I tell Allie, standing and heading inside.

Surprisingly, all the pretty models are gone. Dane is still with Rain on the couch, and Dale is bent over, talking to him quietly to keep Rain from waking up.

They don’t notice me as I quietly make my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as I pass by. But there’s no sign of Ethan. Did he really just—

My inner ramble ends on a squeal that is muffled by a hand that clamps over my mouth. My eyes widen as my back hits the wall, and an amused Ethan is suddenly in front of me. My bottle of water is probably somewhere on the floor, because it’s not in my hand anymore.

“Looking for me, Bella?” he asks, slowly lowering his hand from my mouth.

I shove at his chest while glaring at him, but he doesn’t budge. “Asshole,” I grumble. “Was that really necessary?

He laughs under his breath while cocking an eyebrow.

“So your text said you want to get out of here,” he says, letting his eyes drop to my chest, lingering on the tiny amount of cleavage that’s exposed.

“That was before the promise of the reunion with your ex,” I quip, trying and failing to sound casual.

His lips tilt in a smile, and he leans over me, pressing his forearm on the wall as he gazes down. I’m forced to crane my neck back just to make eye contact.

“Is that jealousy I detect?” he muses.

“Not even a little bit,” I lie, and he knows it because his grin widens.

“Always lying to me, Bella. Good thing I don’t have your rules, or this thing between us wouldn’t work out.”

An unbidden smile spreads over my lips, and I roll my eyes.

“Let’s get out of here,” I say, watching as he waggles his eyebrows. “We were supposed to have dinner, and now I’m starving. Plus, I think you owe me some conversation.”

That has him groaning, and I’m the one smirking as I walk out to tell everyone goodnight and sneak away like I’m not taking a boy home.

Chapter 25


Bella is laughing, while I stab some of the Chinese takeout with the damn chopsticks that I can’t work. Eating fucking noodles with sticks? Who thought that was a good idea?

“Glad I’m your source of entertainment for the evening,” I state dryly while dropping the piece of beef from the sticks and cursing it for hitting the floor.

Bella’s laughter only grows as she takes pity on me and walks toward me with a fork. I’ve never been so damn happy to see a fork before.

After I finally get to eat a bite of food, she resumes using the chopsticks like a pro, still smiling over at me.

“So what was growing up as Ethan Noles like?” she asks.

I shrug. “Like I said, the Noles name was once big around here, but my grandfather lost all his money. My dad had to build his own company to rebuild the name, and my uncle married into money. Some people still revere the Noles name as elite. Some think we’re unworthy of the circle we’re in.”

“Not what I meant,” she says, scooting closer as some weird show plays on the TV. Totally a chick flick. Why can’t she be an action buff? “I meant, what was your childhood like?”

“Really? You want to talk about me as a kid?” I ask her with an arched eyebrow.

I really don’t want to talk about all that shit.

“Yes. I do.”

Releasing a breath, I focus on the sunny-side-up portions. “Mom was great. Dad was great. Life was… difficult,” I say with a shrug. “Dad started his company here, but when it expanded, it made sense for it to move to Chicago. So during the school year, Mom and I stayed here, and Dad came home when he could—which wasn’t often. We went there most weekends to visit him. During the summer, I stayed here, and Mom stayed in Chicago with Dad.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance