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I’m not ready for the world to know, and I’m not ready to be labeled the group slut, considering I’ve already slept with Tag once upon a lifetime ago.

There’s a very strong possibility this is temporary. I’m going into this with my eyes open. Dating Ethan—if that’s what you can call it—is likely to blow up in my face. I’d rather the entire group not bear witness to the fallout.

My phone buzzes in my hand, cutting through my thick thoughts, and I glance down to see Ethan has sent a message.

ASSHOLE: Just saw you sent a text. I would have met you if I’d seen your message earlier. Wish I fucking had. I’m reminding myself I can’t touch you in public.

A slow grin crawls across my face, and I glance back just as Ethan winks at me and looks back down at his phone while taking a sip of his drink.

My eyes move back to my phone, and I ignore Allie’s eyes on me as I message him back.

ME: We could always subtly sneak out. I have an early day tomorrow…

“Did you hear Star Morgan is back?” Maverick asks.

I turn in time to see him sitting down with Ethan, Rye, and Wren.

Ethan chokes on his drink, and my back stiffens.

“I had that same reaction,” Maverick tells him, lifting his glass as though he’s toasting the strangling Ethan, who is still struggling to recover.

The pretty runway girls in the house seem to be forgotten as all the attention hangs on one girl who isn’t even here. Is that petty jealousy creeping up on me? Yes, yes it is. And I’m not proud of it.

Ethan pounds his chest, finally catching his breath, and I turn a little more in my seat. Fortunately Allie doesn’t seem to mind, since she’s doing the same thing, equally intrigued.

“Really wasn’t expecting you to say that,” Ethan finally confesses, taking a bigger sip of his drink.

His eyes don’t meet mine, and he slowly slips that cool mask of confidence and nonchalance back into place.

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting Rain to tell me that either. Good timing too, considering you just came back. Don’t worry. I won’t be stealing her from you again.”

Maverick laughs, but it’s forced. Ethan doesn’t even crack a grin. And he’s still not meeting my gaze.

Ethan grunts and rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything to counter Maverick’s words. Frowning, I study him. Unfortunately, the guy is an unreadable fortress.

“Too soon?” Maverick drawls, looking at Ethan with a shit-eating grin.

A f

ew groans and chuckles answer that question. Ethan says nothing.

“Anyway, she’s swinging by tonight with Chloe. I waited until Corbin and Ruby left to send the text,” Maverick adds, and my heart starts jack-hammering against my chest.

I think it’s safe to say I’ve really jumped into something without all the responsible details of possible lingering feelings for exes. Ethan’s expression is still stoic and unreadable, and it’s driving me crazy. Just a hint of what’s going on inside his head right now would be great.

“So she’s coming here? Do you really want to open up that old wound?” Tria asks, coming closer to the table. “I mean, she was eating with Fiona. That seems like a betrayal to Dale to invite her over, considering Fiona cheated on him.”

“Nah,” Maverick says, batting his hand. “She was chilling with Chloe. Fiona just crashed their meal when she saw them. Fiona is struggling to make friends since her split with Dale.”

Ethan finishes off his drink, and he stands, stretching.

“No offense, but I’m bored out of my mind. I might head out to Silk after one more drink,” Ethan announces.

“Or you don’t want to face Star,” Maverick says, grinning like a cheeky ass.

Me? I’m a little sick at my stomach.

Ethan grunts something too low for me to hear, but it has Kode laughing under his breath as Ethan passes him. Kode flips Maverick off before getting up and moving toward Tria, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance