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A small bit of tension creeps into my spine, along with the numbness I thought was gone. I try to shake it off, but it seems to spread instead of ebbing.

“Why did you stay here instead of going with them?” she asks, not realizing this is dredging up memories I don’t want.

“Because I played ball during the summer, and because my friends were here. I started going there in the summer later on though, and quit playing ball.”

I shrug it off like it’s no big deal, and she leans back, studying me. I can’t feel the fork in my hand anymore, and it pisses me off. I shouldn’t have even let her bring up this topic.

I reach over, sliding my hand up her bare leg, since she’s wearing some drive-me-crazy pajama shorts that barely cover her ass. The second my skin connects with hers, the feeling returns, and I blow out a relieved breath.

I keep reminding myself of the last time this happened… The first time I ever felt anything was because of a girl. I also remember what happened later, but it doesn’t seem to stop me from touching Bella.

Her hand covers mine, and she leans in closer.

“What were your summers like?” I ask, hoping for sunshine and fucking roses.

“A lot of sex,” she says with a straight face, and I choke on the piece of beef I’ve stupidly put in my mouth.

She bursts out laughing, and I flip her off while catching my breath and swallowing the asshole piece of beef.

“Nah, it was usually church camps and bible schools when I was a kid. As I got older, it turned into parties and hanging with Allie. Contrary to popular belief, there’s not a lot of wild sex going on at church camp.”

Shaking my head, I laugh under my breath, but my phone chirps in my pocket, ending the conversation as I pull it out.

I groan when I see my dad’s name. Damn it. I should have called him sooner with a report.

“Dad,” I say by way of greeting as I stand up and head outside for privacy.

“Milly just called me and said they were trying to reach you from the office.”

My eyebrows pinch together, and I pull my phone away, noticing I have several missed calls from earlier in the night when we were still over at Maverick’s. How’d I miss them?

“Why are they trying to reach me?”

“I don’t know. Milly thinks my heart can’t handle details these days, so she wouldn’t tell me. She just thought I might be able to get ahold of you.”

Groaning, I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Fine. I’ll call her now.”

I hang up on him right before he can tell me to call him back, and I call Milly—my old assistant who still works as the new CEO’s assistant.

Unfortunately, she quickly fills me in as soon as she answers, and she even secures me a private jet to Chicago that will be leaving within the hour.

I head back inside, and Bella is walking in from the kitchen with some weird green drink in a glass.

“I have to head to Chicago for a few days. Apparently they’re in the middle of a big deal, but the deal won’t go through without me, since it’s my name that got the account there in the first place.”

“Absolutely none of that made sense except for the part you’re leaving for a while. When will you be back?” she asks, fidgeting like she’s nervous.

“No clue yet. Depends on how long it takes to sort things out.”

She sighs while putting the disgusting looking drink down and comes over to me, tossing her arms around my neck.

“Then I guess we should make tonight count so you don’t forget about me.”

That has me really groaning, and I grab her ass, pulling her closer to let her feel how much I wish I could take her up on that.

“As much as I want to, I have to run home and pack a quick bag. I’m leaving now.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance