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“Yeah. You in?” she asks, biting down on her bottom lip suggestively.

He lets his eyes roam over her body, and I fight back the urge to throw my glass at his head.

“Nah. I’ll pass. Not my type,” he tells her coldly with a shrug, then turns his attention back to Wren.

She mutters, “Asshole,” before walking away, and Allie touches my arm, drawing my attention.

“You okay?” Allie asks as I unclench my fists.

“Just fine.”

She nods toward an empty table, and I stand and follow her over there.

“I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.”

“I’ve been crazy busy at work,” I explain, leaving out the part about Ethan.

I definitely plan to tell her, just not here and in front of everyone.

“What’s new with you? When am I getting to walk down the aisle and stand beside you?”

Her face splits into a wide grin. “We haven’t set a date yet, but I know we’re going to keep it small. Just you guys and Wren’s family. His last wedding was a big spectacle, and neither of us really like all that attention. I want something intimate, and he told me he’d give me any wedding I wanted.”

I mock a dreamy sigh and bat my lashes, and she laughs while rolling her eyes. Happy is a good look on her.

I glance back over at Ethan, noting that he’s staring at me again. I also notice that Rye is sitting beside Wren now, talking to him. Ethan’s lips twitch, and I stifle some weird grin that tries to surface in response.

“Is he being an ass to you?” Allie asks me, reminding me I shouldn’t be staring if I want to be discreet. “I mean, you never really explained that scene you made at the charity ball, not that I was there to see it, but Tria brought it up that day. With all the baby stuff happening, I never got to talk to you about it. Wren said he’s not exactly an easy guy to get to know, and he doesn’t even really acknowledge me or the other girls.”

Yet he stalks me and drives me insane in so many ways… It’s seriously screwed up that I’m restraining a smile for that thought.

“I can handle my own, Allie,” I remind her, shrugging.

She blows out a breath. “I’ll take that as a yes. I’m not sure what his issue is, but he’s been an ass all night to these models. He told one he’d chase her if he wanted her when she tried to talk to him, so not to bother wasting any more of her breath. Then he told another to walk away before she looked desperate, because he wasn’t interested. The poor girl was fighting tears when she left.”

My eyes flick back over to him like a bad habit, and he’s smirking at me this time. Rye and Wren are so absorbed in conversation that they don’t seem to notice.

“He’s an unapologetic jerk,” I tell Allie, returning my attention to her and shrugging.

Which is weirdly one thing I really appreciate. He’s been an ass to me too, but it’s his unique way of going after me. He’s a different kind of ass. Like the idiot I am, I feel special. Which is dangerous territory. Every time I feel special, my heart gets stomped on once I’m brought back into reality that I’m no different from anyone else.

And… now it sounds like I’m some whiny brat with self-esteem issues.

“At least he’s real,” I go on, feeling just a tiny bit defensive.

“Wren’s real too, but he’s not… Never mind. He’s the same guy who gave me a fake last name the first night we were together.” She laughs humorlessly while shaking her head. “I guess I can’t judge Ethan if I’ve wiped the slate clean with Wren. But… Wren grew up. I think Ethan is still living in the past—a high school bully kind of past. I can have Wren talk to him if he’s causing you problems.”

My grin spreads, and she arches an eyebrow at me in question. “Allie, when have you ever known me to get some guy to handle my problems?”

“So you admit he’s a problem,” she says seriously, her brow furrowed with concern.

I really love her for genuinely worrying about me. It reminds me why I miss the hell out of her.

“No. It’s under control,” I say, feeling a little guilty for not just spilling it all.

My eyes rake over the backyard, taking in the numerous friendly faces we’ve gotten close to in a very short amount of time. Telling Allie that I’m sleeping with Ethan… That’s a whole can of complications.

Allie is engaged to Wren. It’s only natural that she’d tell him. And then Wren would obviously tell Rye. Rye would tell Brin. Brin would tell Tria or Ruby. Tria would tell Kode. Kode wouldn’t give a damn. Ruby would tell Corbin. Corbin would tell Maverick. And Maverick would tell anyone who would listen.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance