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Charging up the stairs, I wiped away the only tear that had managed to escape my death-grip. As soon as I reached my room, I looked out the window and saw Tallis with his shirt off. As if I needed that visual.

He was pressing his palms against the side of the house, his attention solely dedicated to the task at hand. It seemed like every inch of the house had a crest on it. He was being incredibly thorough.

Immortals didn't sweat unless they used a lot of magic. He must have been working terribly hard, given the fact he was drenched. I found it mesmerizing—because I was pathetic like that. Yep.

His perfect body was so close to me again. The urge to run to him was almost painful to deny. I was captivated—staring at every inch of him like a fool.

He looked up to catch my... um... gawking. He smiled slightly, and I just half smiled back. He looked back down and continued on with the cresting process. I couldn't keep killing myself for him. I had to stop thinking of the relationship he apparently didn't want—the one that seemed to be forbidden. Why is it someone always want the things they can't have?

Iris walked up, noting where my eyes were. "He's been at it for almost two hours. He's probably exhausted. Cresting uses a lot of magic and a lot of energy. Most of us can only withstand thirty minutes at a time. Why don't you take him something to eat? I'm sure he's probably famished."

I just smiled and nodded, and then I headed toward the kitchen. I made him a sandwich and grabbed a bottle of water. Gathering all my strength, I forced myself to trudge toward him, feeling like my every step was weighted.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound casual.

He looked up and almost staggered backwards from his crouched position. He quickly recovered and rebalanced himself before replying, "Hey."

His weak stance made me cringe with guilt. He was so tired and exhausted, but he was actually worried about me. Now I regretted how harsh I had been to him earlier.

"Why don't you sit down and eat something? I brought you some water, too."

He took the bottle of water and began guzzling it down. Bits of it missed his mout

h and trickled down his neck then down his perfect chest and abdomen. I suddenly found myself staring uncontrollably again.

Then he poured the last fourth of the bottle onto his head and rubbed it down the back of his neck. I was entranced, and trying so hard to snap out of it before he noticed. It was too late. He cracked a small grin that he quickly covered with a serious face.

"Thanks for the water, but I'll eat when I'm done out here."

He squatted back down and pressed his hands against the wall. Then I saw his eyes grow weaker just before they rolled back in his head. He fell backwards, and I reached out to catch him. He collapsed in my arms and we both fell to the ground with him on top of me.

"Help!" I screamed, panicked as I tried to shake Tallis awake.

I heard the racing footsteps seconds before I saw Anesta's face. She reached over and felt for his pulse, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

"He's fine. He just collapsed from exhaustion. He's been doing this for too long. It wears you out when you use that much magic."

Desmond walked over and threw Tallis over his shoulder as though he weighed nothing. I followed behind him as he carried him to my room and placed him on the bed.

"Thanks, Desmond," I said through a sigh.

"No problem. He just needs to rest for a bit. Anesta can't heal exhaustion." Desmond sounded oddly chipper, considering Tallis had just collapsed. He started to walk away, but turned back around. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

I looked at him, possibly seeming a little eager to help him out for a change. "Yeah, sure."

"Has Ash been saying stuff about me?" He sounded almost childlike with the sweet innocence of his question. I fought back the grin that would probably end whatever moment of weakness he was experiencing.

"Nothing bad. She'd kill me if I told you what she had been saying, but I promise it's all good stuff."

He smiled big as he clapped his hands together once and walked away. Ash and Desmond. Everyone seemed compatible with the Verdan family—except me.

Air. I needed air. I had stared at Tallis for too long, and it was so painful seeing him back in my bed.

I had been on the porch for a while when he walked outside.

I raised my head up to catch his eyes that still looked a little weak. He rubbed the back of his neck as he groggily looked around. He had his shirt back on—thankfully. He looked a little worried and slightly embarrassed.

"How long was I out?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy