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"I'm glad Lokan didn't hurt you. I would have blamed myself."

Whoa. That was a quick subject change.

"Why? He would have just wanted my essence like all the others. That has nothing to do with you; it's just my blood. It's the cross I have to bear right now—until I transform."

It was sad how normal that sounded coming out of my mouth. I almost hated myself for coming to terms with this... screwed-up future I had.

His eyes were looking down, and his voice was so quiet that I could barely even hear him when he finally spoke.

"I would've thought he was looking for me. I really wouldn't have ever thought he came for any other reason, but he had no clue I was even there."

"Why would he be looking for you?"

"My power. I don't want to tell you what it is and put you in danger, but it would be incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands. It would actually be more useful in the dark circle. I see no purpose for it with our people. He wants to change me so that he can use me as a tool—or a weapon, rather."

Shame cloaked him and weighed his eyes down toward the floor, making him unable to keep his head up anymore.

"Oh. I'm glad you're on our side then," I said, probably not finding the words he wants to hear.

He smiled at me, managing to bring his head up a little. "I would never choose the dark, but I will kill Lokan one day. I'll show him the same mercy he showed my family—none."

I just nodded. I couldn't blame him for wanting justice. Maybe I could help him one day. Unless I had some useless power. That would be my luck.

We detoured through town, grabbed something to eat, and talked for a couple of hours about non-magical things. It was just what I needed.

Reluctantly, we made our way back home. But when we got there, we saw Desmond in the driveway. He met me as soon as I got out of the SUV, and I looked around, worried something might be wrong. Desmond never came by without a reason, because he avoided Ash like she would set him on fire. Well, I suppose she could set him on fire. She had done it to Jay numerous times. My world was so messed up.

"What's going on?" I asked, wringing my hands nervously.

Desmond pulled his shirt off, and started using it to wipe away the enormous amount of sweat over his brow while answering, "A few of us are cresting to give you more protection, and some of the council are casting. This house will be locked up tight when we get done."

My eyes trailed away from him, searching the property. Then Desmond broke me out of my trance. "Tallis is on the back side, in case you're wondering."

"I wasn't," I blurted out quickly—too quickly. I couldn't help myself from hoping he would be here, even if I was mad at him. I was more confused than hurt. "He let me know about how angry he was this morning. I don't feel like going for round two," I added.

Desmond scoffed, "Yeah, well, you can imagine what he said to me for not calling him. I think he cursed me in every language he knows. It took him a while to finish, obviously. I was wishing he didn't know so many languages."

He laughed as though that was supposed to be funny. I just smiled. Then he turned his attention to Henry.

"So is this the pretty boy you were kissing this morning at school?"

His tone was obnoxiously teasing, per the usual. Desmond had two speeds—playful or brooding. He crossed his arms across his chest as he tried to make Henry uncomfortable.

"You're real funny, Desmond." I bowed my head, embarrassed, but Henry just laughed.

"Some girls were giving Aria a hard time at school because of the argument between Tallis and her. They misconstrued that as the breakup that happened a while back. They made some nasty comments, but a simple kiss shut them up. Pretty quickly, I might add."

Desmond's teasing expression was washed away by the replacement of anger. I suppose he had three speeds instead of two. "Who said something bad about you? I want names, right now!"

It was odd to see him so protective these days, considering how much he disliked me in the beginning. "Easy, Desmond. It's all good. People talk; it's a part of life. I'll be fine. I made a new friend today because of it, so something good came out of it."

Desmond smirked. "And I see you got your second kiss. I guess it went better than the first, since you're still standing upright and all."

I winced at that last part. Desmond noticed. He shrugged and pulled his hands up in an innocent sort of way. "What? Too soon?"

I just nodded as I walked away. I was laughing, but in all honesty, I was trying not to cry. I heard Desmond yell out across the yard, "Sorry, Aria!"

"No problem, Desmond." I threw one hand in the air. I didn't have to say it as loudly as he did. I knew he heard me, though.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy