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Chapter Seven

Jen wasn’t sure what had come over her. Maybe she was channeling Tasha’s sexual confidence. Maybe it was that kinky car ride—she didn’t know. It didn’t matter now. In this moment they were hers and they were going to give her exactly what she wanted.

Standing in Declan’s library completely naked, watching these two beautiful men strip at her command, was more than surreal. But she knew she wasn’t dreaming. She could still feel the heat from the spanking Declan had delivered on the way over. This was happening. Finally. It felt like she’d waited forever.

Trick grabbed a bottle of champagne and walked toward her, and Jen had to focus all her energy on not melting in a puddle at his feet. She’d never seen him like this. Completely naked with all the lights on, the erection she’d had pressed against her so many times in full view.

He was beautiful, different, as if his irreverent armor had been stripped away and she was seeing him for the first time. Still wicked. Still a sexy son of a bitch. But there was something more that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

And he was going to be hers. But first he was going to be Declan’s.

He took a swig from the bottle and then pressed it to her lips, tipping it back so she could drink. “You are always surprising me, Jen,” he whispered as she took a deep drink. The bubbles made her nose twitch and he laughed, kissing her breathless.

She caressed his strong jaw, threading her fingers through his blond beard while he tasted the champagne on her tongue.

When he came up for air, there was something soft and full of promise in his bright green gaze. “Your turn, Declan.”

Jen’s eyes widened when she realized Declan was right beside them, waiting. Trick handed him the bottle, and Declan tipped it against her skin instead of her lips, his storm-cloud gaze never leaving hers as the cool liquid spilled onto the tops of her breasts and hardened her nipples.

She gasped when he dipped his head to lick one; opening his mouth over most of her small breast and sucking so hard she felt it in her clit. His beard scraped her skin, and his tongue... God, yes. Her hips started moving of their own volition, her body empty and aching. When Trick followed Declan’s example with her other nipple she moaned, cupping their heads with her hands.

Yes. Both of you. Don’t stop.

Declan’s lips left her breast to skim her neck, her chin, before nibbling at her lower lip teasingly. “Are you sure you only want to watch? You said you weren’t a halfway kind of girl.”

She tugged Trick’s hair and tried to hold on to her resolve. “Let’s start with that, at least. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

Trick lifted his mouth and groaned. “I didn’t know you were such a voyeur.”

“Neither did I.”

“She’s a very bad girl,” Declan agreed, but she could see his frustration. He wanted her. Wanted both of them. She couldn’t doubt the desire in his eyes. The proof in every touch.

“Kiss Trick,” she murmured, running her hands up and down their arms, loving the feel of the muscles shifting beneath their skin. “I want to see it.”

Trick’s smile was a masculine challenge. “Maybe I’ll kiss him instead.”

Jen’s sex clenched at the possibilities those words brought to mind. Declan cupped the back of Trick’s neck in response, the move rough but almost playful as he pulled him close.

They came together with an ease and intimacy that was instantly arousing, eyes closing and everything else melting away as their tongues lazily battled for dominance.

Jen was still touching them both as she watched, as aroused as if they were kissing her. Nothing would ever match this, she knew. The anticipation and pure eroticism of this first time.

“So damn sexy.” She hadn’t realized she’d spoken out loud until they both moaned and the kiss became more aggressive. Urgent.

They liked knowing she was there. Watching.

She tore her gaze from their mouths and looked down over broad chests and muscled abs to watch their erections rubbing against each other as they kissed. They were evenly matched, beautifully made. They were going to take her together.

“You two are making my legs wobble.” She got to her knees beside them caressed their strong calves. “Why don’t you come down here where I can see you better?”

Declan tensed but Trick bit his lip until he growled. They knelt on the floor, still kissing as if they couldn’t get enough. Declan turned his head so Trick was biting his jaw and studied her in a way that made her quiver from head to toe.

“What is it, Declan?” she asked.

“You look good on your knees.” His voice was dark with promise. “I thought so the first time I saw you.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic