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“We should research it and publish the story of Kelley and Finn,” Jennifer said. “It has everything—drama, friendship, betrayal, sex. I’ll make a note.”

She dropped her towel on the floor and reached around him, feigning interest in the papers on his desk as if looking for a blank page to write on.

“Sex?” Declan’s erection came back to painful life as her naked body pressed against his. He could see Trick licking his lips as he eyed the supple, rounded cheeks of her ass.

She stopped shuffling, straightened and looked up at him with bright blue eyes. “Sex,” she confirmed. “No story is complete without it. Two generations later, another Finn and Kelley realize the stupidity of holding a grudge and blaming all your problems on someone else’s long-dead ancestor. They have an insanely passionate threesome, doing unspeakably dirty things to each other to celebrate this newfound peace, until none of them care about what really happened, or why.”

“I told you,” Trick murmured, and Declan knew he was talking about Jennifer. She was one of a kind. Perfect for them.

He couldn’t stop staring at the pink skin between her thighs. The marks from her earlier punishment was still there. His marks. He wanted to feel the heat of them against his lips.

She put a firm hand on his chest. “Wait one minute, Professor.”

“You’re naked. Waiting is off the table.”

“Trick?” Jen motioned him closer. “I haven’t given all my conditions.”

Declan felt Trick’s hand on his shoulder and laughed. “Think you can stop me?”

“No, but she can, because she’s asking.”

Fuck. He studied her through heavy lids. “What else?”

Her hand caressed him through his shirt, almost unconsciously. “We’ve almost covered everything, I think. I’m old enough, I’m a discreet returning student not a minor, and I don’t particularly care about the Irish sob fest that is our genealogy. But you had one more issue, didn’t you? Something about scaring me?”

“Were you listening to that entire conversation?” he pushed out through his clenched teeth.

“Enough. Can I have your promise that if I use my safe word, you’ll stop? Both of you?”

“Of course,” Trick answered immediately, squeezing Declan’s shoulder hard.

“Even if it kills me,” Declan agreed.

“Then I trust you.”

She couldn’t know how conflicted those words made him feel.

“As for my concerns and issues? I think the both of you already know I’m open to just about anything, particularly role-play. I don’t like cruelty or serious mind fucks. I’m not a bitch or a whore…but I kind of love being a bad girl.”

Oh Jesus. She was negotiating.

“I don’t like sharp objects or being punished with neglect or withholding. If you need to punish me, you’re responsible for my well-being and safety at all times, and that includes any after care.”

“Are you done?” Declan was hanging on by a thread.

Her smile was pure temptation. It reminded him of Trick’s. How did she do that? “Almost, Professor. I want us to be together in every way possible. You two have me so wound up I’ll unravel if I have to wait too much longer. But I understand and respect the relationship you and Trick share. More than that—it turns me on. Seeing you together was an experience I wasn’t able to thoroughly enjoy due to our misunderstanding. Instead of the two of you flipping a coin for first place, my last condition is that you give me an up close and personal replay right here and now. I want to watch you together. Let me enjoy it as much as you do.”

Trick swore until the air around him turned blue while Declan studied the flush rising up her smooth, pale skin. He’d never met another woman like her. She’d been carried in, naked and bound like a pirate’s plunder, and now she’d just flipped the script on all of them. She was calling the shots.

She didn’t care about any of it. Their age difference, the fraternization policy, not even their strange family history. All the things that had him in knots, she’d brushed away like specks of dust.

Jennifer Finn demanded a command performance. She stood there like Eve in the Garden, as if she’d stepped out of one of his paintings just to witness Declan making love to Trick.

He had the strangest desire to kneel at her feet. He wanted to worship her with his tongue and teeth until she cried out in ecstasy. To make her as wild as her seductively direct words were making him.

“Do you agree to my conditions?” She asked when he hadn’t responded.

Declan reached for the back of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, kicking off his shoes at the same time. “I agree.”


“You know me, Jen.” Declan could hear his arousal and it fed his own. “I’m up for anything, as long as you are. Agreed.”

As he took off his pants, he was aware of her hungry gaze and what it did to him. Somewhere during her list of dos and don’ts, he’d found some control. She wanted to watch, and he wanted to please them both. Nothing else mattered. Not anymore.

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic