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“Hell,” she heard before he hung up the phone and the lock popped up.

When she got inside and closed the door, they were both quiet for a long, awkward minute. Then another. Jen was suddenly aware that she had no makeup on, her hair was back up in a ponytail and she was braless in a faded purple tank top and her inside shorts. She would tug them down, but there wasn’t enough fabric. She’d planned to look sophisticated and sexy for their meeting in his office. To wear something that would stop him from thinking of her as a younger student.

Even in a t-shirt and jeans, Declan looked put together. She shifted in the large, comfortable seat and glanced over at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t always think before I act.”

His hands were clenching and unclenching on his thighs as he studied her. “Do you usually dress before you leave the house?”

She half-laughed in disbelief. “I’m dressed. Not for dinner and a movie, but all the important bits are covered. I guess I should have thrown on a pair of jeans but I…” Didn’t want to give you the chance to drive away. “I’ll go grab something.”

He looked around at the windows and swore under his breath. Then he locked the car doors before she could reach for the handle. “That seat goes all the way back. The lever is on the side.”

Did he want her to lie down? His expression didn’t give anything away.

She leaned back. He was right. It went all the way back. “This is nice. Comfy. I bet it’s great for road trips.”

He shifted in his seat to face her, his tight lips curving slightly at that. “I tell you I don’t think I can be alone with you and control myself, and you decide to come down to join me in a confined space in your underwear.”


“Those are not shorts.”

“I’ve seen people run marathons in shorts exactly like this.”

“I don’t want to see you running, Miss Finn. I want to see you pushing them down to your knees.”

Jen gasped and her eyes flew to his. “What?”

“We’re going to talk about what comes next with us, and I want to see you. Touch you, while we do it. Trick told me you had a safe word and, after yesterday, I think it’s obvious we need one. What is it?”



She nodded. “Red wouldn’t work, he said. My hair… And no one ever says teal accidentally.”

Declan nodded, his gray eyes heated. “Push them down, Miss Finn.”

“You’re parked on the side of the road! What if someone sees?”

“You think I’d let that happen?” he demanded. “Down, now. To your knees.”

Oh God. “Everything?”

“Are you using your safe word?”

She wasn’t. She lifted her hips and pushed her thong and shorts swiftly to her knees, her heart pounding in her ears as she thought about getting caught. It was turning her on. “There.”

“I want that top off too,” he added, glancing in his mirrors.

“Declan, I have an apartment right upstairs. A bedroom with a door.”

His fingers came down with a hard tap between her legs and she cried out in surprise and excitement. “Okay.”


“Yes, Professor?”

She grasped the hem of her top and started to pull it off. Declan tugged the fabric from her grip and dragged it up her arms to her wrists. She watched in shocked silence as he used the tank top straps to knot it to the headrest, effectively trapping her with her arms above her head. “You’re a little kinkier than I thought, Professor Kelley.”

“You have no idea, Miss Finn. But you didn’t stop me.”

He took off his glasses and stared at her body, absently caressing her thigh with his hand. He was silent for so long she started to squirm, wondering if he liked what he saw. “We were going to talk?”

He slapped her pussy again. “Oh,” she moaned softly, wanting more. “I’m sorry, I just thought—” Slap. “You said you wanted to talk—” Slap. Slap. Slap. “Oh, please.”

“Please what?”

“More, Declan.”

He leaned over the console, practically on top of her so he could look into her eyes. “You like that?” He did it again. The sting a little sharper.


“Is that what you want? Are you being a bad girl just to make me spank this pussy? Is that why you came outside like this?” Slap. Slap. “Is it because you know you need to be punished?”

She didn’t hesitate. “You’re the psychology professor. If you think that’s why I did it, you shouldn’t stop until I’ve learned my lesson.”

“Fuck.” He lowered his mouth to kiss her hungrily, biting at her lips while his cupped hand spanked her sex again and again until she was wet and writhing against him.

He lifted his mouth just far enough away to look into her eyes. Her skin was on fire but he wasn’t stopping. “I could make you come like this,” he muttered darkly, the sound of his hand landing on her flesh loud in the enclosed car. “But then it wouldn’t be a punishment.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic