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“Maybe?” She honestly hadn’t been thinking beyond tomorrow. Her office meeting with Declan. “I don’t know.”

“Well I do. Just like I know you aren’t as casual about this as you’re pretending to be. I can see it in your eyes. Of course, I could be wrong,” Tasha backtracked, obviously seeing that she was upset. “I am pregnant.”

Jen’s lips twitched. “You’re going to use that as an excuse for everything, aren’t you?”

“For a few more months, yes. Then I’ll have the new mother excuse. With Finn twins, that should last a few decades.”

Why would Trick put himself in such an uncomfortable situation? Tasha was right, it didn’t make any sense for a fling.

She couldn’t deny the combustible chemistry between them, though. All of them, which seemed unusual to her. Special. Trick drove her wild and made her want to laugh and hit him and give him a taste of his own medicine before begging him to touch her again. He was relentless and reckless and he called to something fun and playful inside her.

Declan was… Well, he was new. She almost felt guilty for how intensely she’d responded to him. How carnal their make-out session in the classroom had been.

He’d warned her about his lack of control, but when got to his knees and took her like that with his mouth... She shivered a little with the memory.

Jen didn’t want to stop what Trick had started. And now that she knew Declan wanted her, she had to know both of them. Together.

But you don’t know them, not even Trick, as well as you should.

It felt like she did. And what they’d awoken inside her wasn’t going anywhere until it was satisfied. That would take both of them finally giving in to their desires.

“Did I lose you? Earth to Jen?”

“Huh?” She blushed, sitting up and pushing her hair back. “Sorry.”

“You’re phone is ringing.”

She reached for it, then grabbed Tasha’s hand. “You won’t tell Stephen?”

“I’m insulted you’re asking. Is it because I’m pregnant?”

Smiling in relief, Jen reached for the phone. “Hello?”

“Are you alone?”

Declan. She got up and walked toward the kitchen. “My sister-in-law is visiting. We were having a girls’ day. But I can talk.”

She smiled when she heard him swear under his breath. “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“You’re not. What are you doing right now, Professor?”

“Right this minute?”

“Right this minute.”

“I’m sitting in my car across from your apartment, telling myself to leave.”

Her lips parted and she looked around madly for her flip-flops. “Oh?”

“Yeah. Oh. I had drinks with Trick yesterday after class. Wouldn’t let him go until he’d told me everything the two of you had done together. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“Uh-huh. That’s interesting. Why don’t you come up so we can talk about it?” She blushed, gesturing to Tasha that “he” was outside and that she’d be back in ten minutes. Tasha clapped silently, gave her a thumbs up and stood, reaching for her purse to leave.

“On your girls’ day?”

“She was actually leaving as you called.” Jen mouthed Thank you! and blew Tasha a kiss, signaling that she’d call her later. “I’m alone.”

He made a pained sound. “I can’t come up to your apartment.”


“I think you know why.”

Jen leaned against the door. “Can’t control yourself without a classroom full of witnesses and a distracting documentary?”

“I nearly took Trick in the men’s bathroom at the bar. I would have if some idiot hadn’t threatened to call the police. Let’s say the last few days suggest a lack of willpower on my part.”

Jen closed her eyes and bit her lip, instantly picturing Declan and Trick together in a bathroom stall. “I wish I’d been there.”

He laughed roughly. “No you don’t. But I do. Which is why I can’t come up. Not until we all come to an arrangement together.”

An arrangement. All of them. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure I’m not leaving this car.”

Then she was going to the mountain. She opened the door and walked down the steps. “Did Trick tell you how we met?”

“Yes. And about your fiancé.”

She grimaced. “Oh.”

“I forced it out of him. I wanted to know if I had reason to be jealous.”

Her laugh was genuine as she snuck down the sidewalk, looking for his car. She thought it was silver. She should have paid more attention when her brothers talked about cars. “I can’t explain how not jealous you need to be.”

“What are you wearing? I’m talking about masochism in class soon and I’m doing research.”

She saw him leaned his head back on the driver’s seat, obviously on speakerphone, and smiled. “Never mind me, you’re wearing a t-shirt. I’ve never seen you in a t-shirt before, Professor Kelley. It’s weird, running into your teachers outside of school, isn’t it?”

He sat up straight and started looking around. He saw her as she came up to the passenger side door and knocked on the window. “Can I come in?”

Tags: R.G. Alexander The Finn Factor Erotic