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He kisses me then, long, and slow, and deep, and he doesn’t have to say a word because I know. Cash wants to win me. His hands slide over my wide hips, gripping hard, and my mind drifts to imagine if this is how he’d touch me if we were in bed together. Would he use his strength to show me how to move? Would he teach me how to bring him pleasure?

For the first time in my life, I can imagine being that way with a man. I can place myself naked in a bed beneath him, welcoming him into my body.

I’m not ready for it yet.

No way.

Cash is slowly proving himself to be a decent person, despite his purchase of everything I held dear. He’s showing me that he listens to what’s important to me and is trying to find a way to make it a reality.

He’s treating me with quiet respect beneath all of his stoic expressions and wanton kisses. But I’m not careless with my body, my heart, or my mind. Momma taught me to love myself as the gift and treasure that I was to her. But, oh…this feels so good. His fingers cup the back of my neck and his thumb strokes my throat, and shivers take over my scalp. For a while, I’m lost, forgetting everything that came before this moment, and wanting everything that could come after.

And then the door bangs.

Cash draws away from me quickly, turning to watch as his brothers saunter into the room.

“So this is the urgent business you needed to take care of,” Colt says, winking.

“I’d say Melanie’s needs are urgent,” Cary says.

“Less talking about Melanie’s needs,” Cash warns, and Scott clears his throat in a way that sounds a lot like he’s laughing under his breath.

“Wash up,” I say sternly, hoping that the lure of food with get them to focus on something other than my kiss-swollen lips and Cash’s flushed cheeks. Ugh. We must make a ridiculous picture.

Sawyer smiles as he shucks off his boots and heads up to the bathroom to freshen himself. It’s a warm, open smile that makes me think he’s happy for his brother. The rest of them follow, including Cash, and I’m left alone in the kitchen.

Everything is ready, but I am a hot mess. I decide that my own need for freshening up is probably as urgent as the Bradfords’ and decide to trudge up to my bedroom to search out a wet wipe and some deodorant. A shower would be better, but the food won’t keep

I’m in my room with the door ajar when I hear voices in the corridor.

“What are you doing, Cash?” Scott says, practically hissing.

“What’s best for us,” Cash replies.

“What’s best for us? We already bought her farm. She didn’t need to come as a package deal.”

“You know that’s not what this is about. Melanie’s a good woman. The best I’ve ever met. She’s pretty and fun and practical, and she can handle herself with all of us. She’s a good choice.”

“No woman is a good choice for anything but fucking,” Scott says.

“Come on, Scott.” I think it’s Sawyer who speaks, but it could be Cary. They both have a similar soothing tone that is hard to separate without seeing their faces.

“If our own mom couldn’t stick around for us, what makes you think that Melanie will?” Scott spits.

“Melanie is a different person. She’s nothing like Mom.”

“So that’s all it takes to make you trust her. Anyway, this isn’t just going to affect you. This is going to affect all of us. Isn’t that what your ridiculous idea is about?”

All of us? Did I hear right? I lean in close, straining to catch all of the conversation, my heart pounding through it all.

“It isn’t a ridiculous idea. You saw with your own eyes what Connie has done for our cousins. I’ve never seen them happier.”

“They have to share one woman,” Scott says. “How would one woman manage to keep up with us?”

“And Mel is a virgin,” Cary says. At least, I think it’s him. Nice to know that Cash is sharing absolutely everything with his brothers, including my private business.

“Not if Cash plays his cards right,” Colt says with a chuckle in his voice.

“Cash is thinking with his dick,” Scott says. “He’s just tired of beating his own meat, but let me tell you, brother. Looking after your own needs or paying for someone to look after them for you is a damn sight less complicated than trying to keep a woman happy.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Cash mutters. “Can’t you see how good this could be? Melanie is everything we ever talked about wanting. She’s perfect.”

“Maybe perfect for you, but she’s not going to want all of us. She’s not that kind of girl. She’s too innocent. Too salt of the earth. Too filled with her momma’s advice to keep herself to herself and stay away from big bad men.” From that outburst, it would seem that Scott is more perceptive than I took him for.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic