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“It’s not going to get to that, Tameka. As soon as I talk to Trey, I’m going to let him know Rochelle is out. If he doesn’t want to work with me after that, then that’s on him. I’ll find another way to expand.”

“Don’t do that, Jeb. It’s not—”

“That’s not up for debate, Tameka. You come first. Everything else is secondary.” Tameka smiled and looked at me as if she had some doubt about her place in my life, and that made me feel like I had more to prove. “I know that when we were talking

about having kids I said the business is like our child, but I didn’t mean it comes before you. While I’m still trying to grapple with my relationship with my father, work on the deal, and get ready for the wedding, I thought it would be best not to add another kid to the mix.”

“Fair enough.” She smiled.

“But don’t get me wrong, baby. You will be filled with my babies soon. We’re going half on some babies. And when I get the baby fever, you’re going to want to give me Tylenol,” I let her know then leaned over to kiss her soft lips once again.

As our lips connected, a current of electricity shot through me. Tameka looked at me with slanted eyes, bitten blanched lips, and tiny dimples that were only visible when she smiled seductively.

“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll toss my business goals aside and speed up the baby making plans,” I whispered against her mouth before our lips locked together one final time.

“I should get home and let you get back to work. Besides, the kids will be home in an hour,” she said as she worked to even her breath.

“We can do a lot in an hour. Let’s go in my office right quick.”

“No. Too many people are here; they’ll hear me.”

I licked my lips. I wanted her oh so badly. But she was right. There were too many people roaming around today, and we didn’t make love quietly. I looked at Rochelle who was still seated at the bar watching us and wished she would disappear.

“I guess you’re right,” I digressed. “I’ll be home for dinner tonight before I come back in for soul night.”

“Hey, I was thinking about coming to support Alise tonight.”

“That would be great! We can ride back together,” I said as I reached my hand out to help her out of her seat so that I could walk her to her car.

“Alright, see you at home,” Tameka pecked my lips. “And make sure you handle the situation with your ex. She should know that she can’t just step up to us and check us whenever she feels like it.”

“I know. I will deal with it, Tameka,” I replied, getting angry all over again.

Tameka gave me one last thoughtful look before she got in her car and left. I stalked back inside the building on a mission.

“Rochelle, I need to see you in my office!”

Chapter 9


“Since you’ve been away, I’ve been down and lonely. Since you’ve been away, I’ve been thinking of you,” Alise bellowed out Diana Ross’s melody “Missing You,” hitting every note in her unique, smooth as satin tone. I held my hand over my heart, feeling the love and pain in my friend’s words. She sang the song frequently when she was thinking of her ex, so tonight she must’ve been feeling nostalgic.

It was throwback soul night at Club Elite, and Alise was singing her heart out as one of the featured local singers. The building was packed to capacity, so packed that people were being turned away so that we wouldn’t violate fire code.

Alise finished her set and bowed to the roaring crowd that soaked up her every word. “Thank you. I truly want to thank you all for making a girl feel like she can sing. This is why I love being at Club Elite, so don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back up later tonight for another set, and then make sure you come back Saturday for new school R & B,” she said along with her signature curtsy before she left the stage.

“I love you!” a man screamed from the crowd, causing everyone to start clapping and chanting Alise’s name. “I really love you!” the man’s voice could be heard again but this time louder than the chanting crowd.

I squealed as Alise made her way over to the table and sat in the waiting chair next to Jayne. Kemara and Channing were also hanging out with us, and Jeb joined us whenever he wasn’t putting out a fire for one of his employees or patrons.

“You were great up there,” I said to Alise when she walked over to our table.

“Thanks. Those lemons must have come through for me because I’ve had a sore throat all day and had to suck on a lemon before I got here.”

“You sounded amazing,” I assured her.

“Girl, you know you can blow,” Jayne chimed in.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance