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“You taste so good, Tameka. Can I taste you again?”

“Can’t you see she doesn’t want you kissing her like that? Why force yourself on the woman?” Rochelle’s screeching voice cut into the sweet sound of a moan that was about to escape Tameka’s throat.

Tameka and I looked up at my ex who had appeared out of thin air and was standing over our booth with her hand on her hip scowling at us as if she were my mother.

“What do you need, Rochelle?” I growled out like a hungry lion ready to pounce on its prey. She didn’t know how close I was to chewing her head off.

“I need you to stop with the PDA. You’ve been over here for an hour, and you have a business to run. It’s inappropriate to be out here kissing…her,” she had the audacity to say nastily.

“Hey…what’s your name?” Tameka asked her, but before Rochelle could answer, she turned to me with so many questions in her eyes. “Who is this woman, Jeb?”

“I’m Rochelle, and I guess you’re Tameka,” Rochelle said in a nonchalant tone.

“You guessed right, and I think the first thing I should let you know is the kiss Jeb and I were about to share.” Tameka leaned forward and licked my top lip, and the heat from her breath both shocked and aroused me. My lips parted, and I received her tongue inside of my mouth, and we did our tongue tango until that moan did finally flow from Tameka.

My mood had gone from feeling deeply about my father’s rejection to being ready to make out with Tameka to ripping Rochelle’s head off and back to ready to take Tameka to bed. I forgot about Michelle…Rochelle, whatever her name is, and I lived in this spicy ass moment that Tameka seized upon. That was why I fucking loved her.

When Tameka broke away from the kiss, she swiped her finger down my lips with a smile. Then, she looked back at Rochelle.

“Our kiss is consensual. There’s no hashtag MeToo about this moment, so I don’t need saving from my man,” she said sternly. “So back off!”

“Excuse me then!” Rochelle said with an attitude.

“You heard my woman,” I said, unable to keep my eyes off Tameka. She looked so sexy to me at that very moment that I wanted to take her to my office and bend her over and spank her. “I can’t keep my hands off my future wife, and I don’t have to,” I clarified my feelings for Tameka so that Rochelle would have no further confusion as to how Tameka felt about me or how I felt about Tameka.

“Glad you found someone you could express your feelings for in public,” she said, her voice freefalling into her throat and choking up as the words came out.

“You’re new here, so you may not know this, but we are madly in love,” Tameka said, smiling. “Still, I understand your concerns about the PDA in the club. We want his employees to respect us fully, so we’re usually professional when we’re here. We just have our moments, but usually they’re in Jeb’s office.” Tameka gave her a knowing look, and I couldn’t have enjoyed the moment of my beautiful, strong woman putting Rochelle in her place anymore.

“That’s good to hear,” Rochelle shot back. “I’ll pass that along to Trey. I’m sure he’ll be glad to know that. I guess I’ll let you two love birds get back to being professional,” Rochelle added. I could see the undeniable hurt in her eyes as she glanced at me one last time before she stormed away heading to the bar for another drink.

I refused to let her have an advantage over me, and to make sure she didn’t, I decided it was time to tell Tameka about the extent of our past relationship.

“So how long were you two together?” Tameka asked as soon as Rochelle made it to the bar. “And don’t tell me she’s not your ex, because if she’s not, then you’re giving her the D now.”

“Really, Tameka. I’m not giving her the D,” I said and laughed.

“I’m not joking. What’s up with her?”

“I was about to tell you about it, but it’s that obvious, huh?” I sighed.

Tameka looked over to where Rochelle was standing behind the bar watching us talk. “Yeah, she’s screaming for your attention and her jealousy is extremely hard to miss. I just want to know one thing. Do you still have feelings for her?”

“What? No, of course not.” I grabbed Tameka’s hand and held it.

“I believe you, but I had to ask,” she said.

“Baby, you’re the only woman I can imagine myself with. Since the first time we made love, I’ve been ruined for all other women. I look at other women differently because none of them are you,” I confessed.

“Why is she here though? She mentioned Trey; is she here because of your deal with him?” Tameka asked.

“Yes. She’s Trey’s girlfriend, and he wants her to watch the day-to-day operations and report back to him how smoothly we operate.”

“So you used to date her, and now she’s dating Trey?”

“Yeah, a recipe for disaster, I know.”

“Well, I just know you’d better stay faithful to me, Jeb. She’s walking around up in here like she owns the place and trying to start some shit with me, and I don’t want to go there with her, but you know I will. Then, the deal will be dead, and it’ll seem like I’m your crazy girlfriend that ruined the future of Club Elite.”

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance