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She didn’t respond verbally, but her body reacted. I went for her lips and kissed her, and that’s when I felt her body tense. She was about to release, and so was I. Her grip tightened around my manhood as she yelled out my name.



We climaxed at once. We were in sync.

Making love to Tameka felt as natural as breathing. I laid down next to her and brought her into my chest. She cuddled in next to me and interlocked her fingers with mine. I kissed her hand and noticed the ring on her finger. It looked stunning, and I was so proud that I was the one who gave it to her.

Chapter 5


I woke up in complete bliss. Jeb had literally rocked my world last night, and I wasn’t ready to sober up from that feeling. Dinner had been great, the lovemaking excellent, but I was still bothered that he was so nervous about our wedding being sabotaged by some of his family or friends. It chipped away at a piece of me to know other people’s opinions affected him the way they did.

I didn’t give a damn about what anyone else thought, and I just prayed that deep down he didn’t either. With him fully in my corner, I could deal with whatever anyone said or did, but if he had doubts, well, that changed everything.

Since I’d been with Jeb, I morphed into a completely different woman. My parents noticed that I smiled more with my mother stating that Jeb “agreed with me.” Everyone could see the glow up. Now, I was wondering if being with me had done the same for him.

I looked over at him lying next to me in the bed and kissed his forehead. He snored gently as I watched his peaceful slumber. I eased out of bed and threw on some clothes so I could head to the grocery store to get the ingredients I needed to make breakfast.

I succeeded in making it out of the house without waking Jeb up. After I returned from the store, I began preparing breakfast—washing the fruits and veggies, to make a veggie and turkey omelet, one of Jeb’s favorite breakfast foods.

“Someone’s up early,” he said when he meandered over to me wearing only boxers.

“Did you miss me?” I asked.

“When I woke up, and you weren’t in bed, I couldn’t go back to sleep,” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the nape of my neck. “This looks amazing, baby.” Jeb’s eye’s widened as he looked at the omelet I slid onto his plate.

“Good, after we eat, maybe we can go back to bed for a few hours,” I said as I turned to face him. “…to sleep.”

Jeb sat at a chair at the table, pulled me down onto his lap, and fed me a bite of his omelet. “We can go back to bed, but I don’t need more sleep.”

“Well, I have parent-teacher conferences to go to after work, and I’m already exhausted, so I need some rest.”

“Oh, I forgot about that. Do you want me to come with you? I have some work to do at the club, but I could run out for a few hours.”

“No, babe, you’re fine. I’ll talk to you about it when we get back home.”

“Okay, I have that meeting with Trey today, and I don’t know how it’s going to go.”

“You’re going to get the deal,” I assured him.

He wrapped his arms around me tighter. “The way you believe in me is a turn on. Are you sure you’re trying to get some rest this morning?” he asked.

“Yes, I am. I believe in you more than you know. But I’m also really tired from last night, so you have to let me get some sleep,” I whined, but I knew there was not going to be any resting going on once we made it back to our bedroom.


“Keviiiiin! Evaaaaa! Let’s go! I don’t want to be late!” I yelled so they could come down from their rooms and we could head to their parent-teacher conferences. I stopped screaming for them to get moving once I heard their heavy feet hit the staircase.

“Do y’all have to be so hard on these floors? You both have lead feet, and I have absolutely no idea where you got that from,” I fussed.

“Is that so? Absolutely no idea?” Jeb said as he followed the kids down the stairs. He was home for a short break before going back to the club to meet with Trey.

Kevin and Eva giggled at Jeb’s sarcasm as if they were all in on some secret, and I was the odd woman out. I smiled at Jeb’s attempt to hit me with that jab.

“Y’all are cute. Seriously. But I am in no way heavy-footed. Try again!” I exclaimed in my high-pitched-I-couldn’t-be-less-bothered voice.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance