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“What’s cute is you ignoring the facts,” said Jeb as he hugged me from behind. I rolled my eyes and decided not to pay him any more attention as we were going to be late if we kept treading along at the pace we all were going.

I turned around to face him and hugged him back. “I’m ignoring you today, babe,” I stated as I leaned in and smelled the inducing aroma of his cologne. I looked up at his face and kissed his lips. “I need a parking space that doesn’t require me to walk an entire mile or two just to reach the school’s front doors, so that means I have to be somewhat on time.”

Moans and groans

ensued from the peanut gallery soon after our kiss. “Can y’all go somewhere private and do that?” Kevin said in a look of disgust. He then pulled Jeb to the side, and exclaimed, “Be glad I like you, man,” as if he were warning Jeb about getting all lovey-dovey with me.

“Kevin, just learn to look the other way like I do. You have to be mature about these things, and since you don’t have that gene yet, turn your head. Simple,” said my oh-so-mature twelve-year-old daughter.

Jeb and I laughed at all the fuss about a kiss and a hug.

“I can’t wait for the day where this all changes for you both,” I teased, knowing the day would come for them to get their first kisses. “Well, maybe I can wait. Come on, though. It’s time to hit the road!” I motioned for the troops to move out.

Kevin and Eva ran out the door and climbed in the car.

“Have a great meeting, baby,” I told Jeb. “I can’t wait to hear you tell me about all the great ideas you and Trey come up with for the new club.”

Jeb smirked. “Yeah, fingers crossed,” he said as he lowered his long torso just to kiss me again on the lips. He parted my lips and slipped his tongue inside my mouth while pressing his lips to mine in a lingering kiss. His heartbeat against mine let me know our feelings would forever be mutual.

“It’s already yours. Claim it,” I said, giving him a reassuring smile. “I have to go now.” I didn’t want to leave him, but I turned to walk out the door, so I could make it to the conference on time.

Jeb’s hand slapped my ass, and he wore a devilish smirk. “See you soon, babe,” he said.

I quickly snapped my head back to look at him. I twirled around swiftly but with just enough grace to keep from smiling, which proved to be excruciatingly difficult. I wanted to let him know I didn’t mind the slap on the ass and that I’d keep leaving like that if it meant more ass-slaps, so I kissed him for a third and fourth time then forced my way out of the door.

I hopped in the car with the kids and drove to their school to meet with both of their teachers. I was beyond enthused now that both kids were in one place. Kevin had finally hit elementary school, which was next door to Eva’s junior high school, so I didn’t have to worry about racing across town to get Eva by the time the after-school program closed.

Life was getting a little easier, and I could feel myself finding the space to breathe again. I literally couldn’t have thought up a better life. I had unexpectedly fallen in love with Jeb, and the kids didn’t have to deal with Rodney and his evil ex’s drama anymore, so they naturally had a little more pep in their step after shedding the unnecessary stress.

The kids had been spending more time with their father since he returned home after his bout of amnesia, and the switch up had been life-changing. Eva no longer came home huffing and puffing, and Kevin found that his disappointments around his Dad had been a thing of the past. They were discovering that, with this new version of their father, they could depend on him. As a mother, I was thankful to Rodney for this. He just wouldn’t hear that from me, at least not yet.

We pulled into a busy parking lot and searched the aisles for a vacant spot. I eventually had to resort to a spot half on the grass and half on the street. We climbed out of the car and waltzed into the school. We dodged and wove our way through the sea of parents and their children.

Kevin lead Eva and me to his classroom, which was near the front of the school, thank God. I didn’t think I could handle another distracted parent bumping into me without a sorry or at least some sort of acknowledgment. Eva did her best to keep her eyes on Kevin as we waved through the crowd. They made a sharp turn into one of the classrooms on the left, and I blindly followed behind, only to be greeted by my ex, who was already immersed in conversation with Kevin’s teacher.

Awww, fuck, I thought.

I mean, I knew he was blossoming into this better version of a father since his accident, but damn! Did this really mean I had to see more of him?

I rolled my eyes and proceeded into the room to meet Kevin’s teacher, a beautiful younger woman, who had obviously found herself smitten with Rodney’s charming ways. I could tell by the way she kept her eyes on him, the lackluster greeting I received upon entering her classroom, and the speed at which she returned her attention to her conversation with him.

So instead of taking charge, as I was so accustomed to, I decided to let Rodney take the lead on this one. I was curious to see what this “new involved Rodney” looked like. He never came to these things. I’d forward him emails, send him text reminders about games and recitals, and for the most part, I had never even received a reply. For Rodney to be at this parent-teacher conference, without me begging him to come, and seemingly engaged in what Kevin’s teacher had to say had me in awe.

After talking for the next ten minutes about how well-behaved Kevin was, Kevin’s teacher went on to hype Rodney up, giving him credit for our amazingly behaved child. I tee-heed at the irony.

“Well, Ms. Smith, let’s not give credit where it’s not due. Kevin’s mom, Tameka, is an amazing woman who manages to do it all. The kids are most definitely who they are because of her,” Rodney said right before he turned to give me a huge grin.

You’re dagg-on right I’m the reason, but don’t expect to be praised for your little confession either, I thought to myself as I smiled a polite smile in return.

As Kevin’s conference came to a close, we stood up to say our goodbyes to his unashamed teacher. I shook her hand with a forced smile and headed to the door as Rodney stayed behind because she wouldn’t let his hand go. They went from a handshake to her caressing his sturdy brown arm. I always found amusement in situations where women would treat men so much better than other women and right in front of our faces. This teacher had no clue as to whether Rodney and I were together or not as she pursued him without remorse.

I snickered and walked my ass right out of the door heading for Eva’s school next door. Both of my babies ran up to me from behind after we entered the building.

“Ma, we’ll be in the Media Center while you talk to Ms. Jacob,” Eva said as she grabbed my hand and walked down the aisle until we reached the Media Center.

Kevin went inside with Eva, but he wouldn’t dare hold his mommy’s hand like Eva. But it was cool, Eva was my girl, my mini-me, and had no qualms about showing her love in front of her friends or classmates.

“Okay, babies, I shouldn’t be much longer. Eva, I’ll text you when it’s time to head back,” I said.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance