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“Thank you, Laney. So, so much. You’re amazing.”

I agreed one hundred percent. She’d sensed that having another known variable there would put my sister at ease. I’d never met a woman like Laney—so ready to jump in and help, to make everyone comfortable. I couldn’t wait to get her alone, show my appreciation in the way I knew best. Isabelle looked between the two of us, wiggling her eyebrows.

“So...,” she said, “I get that the date yesterday went great, considering it led to an overnighter.”

Laney blushed instantly. “Umm..., Isabelle.”

“What? It’s a secret? Oh, you don’t want to spill the beans in front of Skye.”


“Wait, no! Don’t spill secrets until I get there,” Tess called from the corridor.

“Is it just me or is her hearing getting sharper by the day?” I asked.

“Especially when it comes to juicy details,” Tess said, coming in with a few bowls of ice cream. Rob was right behind her with more bowls. “I have a special talent for picking those up.”

“Didn’t we have a deal about not sharing too much information?”

“Wait a second. We’re absolutely not asking for sexy details,” Tess said vehemently. Skye was nodding too.

“Just general info,” Tess murmured.

I was waiting to see if Tess would go into detective mode in front of Laney. I was betting on yes, but what do you know? She said nothing more, focusing on her ice cream. So Tess could apply self-restraint when the occasion demanded it. Good to know.

“Anyone got news?” Skye asked, as she typically did during working lunches.

“Oh, wait, I didn’t tell them ours,” Tess said. “So, we’ve been experimenting at the store with customizable lingerie, and things have really taken off.”

“I think we’re going to have to think about an investor again. We’ll see,” Skye added.

“Wow, that’s great news,” I said.

“I know, right?” Skye asked. “I can’t wait to get into the thick of things after the baby is born. So, anyone else have news?”

“Laney here is joining us at the next gala, and—”

“Yes!” Tess exclaimed, cutting me off midsentence. I chuckled at my sister’s enthusiasm.

“I love those,” Isab

elle added. “I think you will too.”

Skye pouted. “Well, I won’t be there for the next one, but you’ll have a lot of fun.”

Laney rubbed her palms in excitement. “I think I’ll need to shop. Care to join me?”

“Yes,” Tess and Isabelle answered at the same time.

“Now you’re just making me jealous,” Skye said.

“How about we send you pictures of the dresses I try on?” Laney suggested.

Skye sighed. “Laney, this might be the hormones talking, but I love you. You have the best ideas.”

“Can I get pictures too?” I asked. “You don’t even have to be dressed.”

Laney glanced at me over her shoulder. I barely caught her grin before realizing she was tossing a pillow at me. I caught it midair, and then just threw it back at her.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance