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“Poor thing. It’s not easy. Hey, if you want to go to Skye’s as well, I’m up for it.”

“You mean that?”

“Sure. I’d love to see her again. Tess too.”

“I’ll text to let them know we’re coming. But we’re eating breakfast on the go because we’ll need forty minutes to get to Skye’s. We’ll grab ice cream too. She loves it.”

Laney chuckled, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You think of everything.”

“Anything to keep the ladies in my life happy.”

“Let’s go, Winchester. I’m on family duty with you.”

Chapter Nineteen


It was a great weekend. I’d woken up with the news that we won the Centenarian submission. The construction would start next year, but we’d won the bid. And now, Laney was going to my sister’s house with me. There was a small party going on in Skye’s bedroom. Tess was dancing to a catchy song coming from the phone in her hand. Isabelle was lying at the foot of the bed, moving her shoulders to the rhythm of the music. Rob sat on a chair. Skye waved excitedly when we entered.

“Hey, you two. I’m so happy you came. Oh, and you brought ice cream. You’re a good brother.”

“Told you she’d be happier for the ice cream than to see us,” I whispered to Laney.

“Hey, not true,” Skye said, grinning. “Necessarily. But I can’t wait to dig in.”

“I’m on it,” Rob said. “I’ll put it in bowls.”

“I’ll help you,” Tess said, relieving me of the bags. “Everyone wants ice cream?”

There was a chorus of yes from the group. Only Laney and I refused, because we’d just stuffed ourselves with breakfast.

After they left, Laney sat on the side of the bed next to Skye. Isabelle was on the other side.

“Looking good, sis,” I said.

“Aww, brother, you can tone down the charm. I look like a whale.”

“I mean it, Skye. You look great.”

“I’m so happy this turned into a party. Pity Josie and Hunter aren’t here.”

Josie was on duty today for us, actually. She’d taken care of all the court dates and paperwork in the case against Gabriel, and we hadn’t had to personally participate until now.

“How are you feeling?” Laney asked.

Skye patted her belly. “Just waiting for this little one to cook. And to actually turn around in the correct position. He doesn’t have much time left.”

“Oh, he’s breech?” Laney asked.

“Yes. Dr. Johnson says he’s still got a bit of time to turn, but I’m afraid. Of the delivery, the possible C-section, all of it. I don’t like that there are so many unknown variables.”

Laney smiled, taking one of Skye’s hands between her own.

“If you want, I can be there with you when you deliver, whatever way it is. I’ve been to plenty of deliveries when I did my ob-gyn rotation. I’m sure Dr. Johnson wouldn’t mind.”

“Oh, you’d do that? I’d love it. I really would.”

“Then that’s settled. I’ll talk to Dr. Johnson, and I’ll leave word that they should call me if you’re brought in when I’m not on shift. Or even better, you or Rob can call me.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance