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I wasn’t anybody’s fool. I’d built a reputation as easygoing, and some people misinterpreted that, like the asshole sitting across from me. His smug expression set my teeth on edge. His lawyer was just as smug. I couldn’t believe their nerve. The guy had first pressed Tess for publicity, and now he wanted to sue us for “information misrepresentation.” It was written in black and white in the agreement they signed for donating that they would not be listed in marketing materials. It was not how the galas operated. The focus was on the causes, not the donors. Since he had no way of winning that lawsuit, I assumed he was just doing this to force our hand.

The fuckers.

They thought we would cave. That we’d prefer to give in to his demands so they wouldn’t disparage us. Fuck, no. That wasn’t who I was. I didn’t cave, and I didn’t compromise. But I wasn’t alone in this. Josie asked for a brief recess in the meeting so we could consult with the rest of the family.

“Let’s take this fucker to court,” I exclaimed the second we were alone in the meeting room.

Josie held up a finger. “Let’s hear what everyone has to say.”

We’d told everyone to keep their phones close because we might call. Hunter answered first, Ryker and Skye a few seconds later.

I was glad Josie was the one talking. I admired her cool and calm demeanor. She was a professional through and through, even though this was a family matter. I was pacing around the table, unable to sit.

“Tess, Cole, what are you two saying?” Hunter asked.

“Let’s take him to court,” Tess said. My sister was always a force of nature, but when she was pissed off? She was downright dangerous. She’d been clenching her hands in her lap during the entire meeting—always a sign that she was barely holding back from speaking her mind.

“Fuck yes to that,” I exclaimed.

“I agree,” Hunter said, “Skye, Ryker?”

“Yes!” they said in unison.

“Perfect.” Josie ended the call, opening the door. “We’ve come to a conclusion.”

Gabriel, his lawyer, and the mediator stepped inside. We all sat down.

“Hope you three had some time to come to your senses,” Gabriel said. “Participation in the galas depends on the good name you’ve built.”

“We’re taking on your challenge. You said you’ll take us to court. Let’s do it,” Josie said simply. Gabriel’s face fell.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Gabriel, let me do the talking,” his lawyer said. “Look, you’ve got an impeccable reputation. A lawsuit would tarnish it.”

Josie shook her head. “No, it wouldn’t.” Turning to the mediator, she said, “This meeting is over. I will handle the paperwork required and keep in touch with all parties involved. There is no reason to prolong this.”

“I agree,” the mediator said. “Since you’ve decided to move this to a court, my involvement isn’t needed past today.”

Gabriel and his lawyer stormed out. Tess flipped the bird to their backs. The mediator feigned not seeing it. I was still pissed as fuck when we left the building. Gabriel was still in front us as we walked out.

“Cole, it’s best if you don’t engage,” Josie said.

I didn’t really give a fuck. Assholes grated on my nerves, especially those trying to get a free ride. I was used to encountering those in the real estate business, but this was the first time someone was being a prick about the charity events. It felt personal.

“You’re going to regret this. No one messes with my family.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I guess we’ll see about that, won’t we?”

I opened my mouth just as Tess stepped next to me. Her fists were clenched.

“Cole! Tess!” Josie said forcefully. “Let’s just go.”

“I disagree,” Tess said.

“No, really. Come on, our Uber is here!”

Thank God for Josie, because otherwise I was liable to throttle the moron. She practically shoved both me and Tess in the car. We dropped my sister first in Soho, and then Josie at a client’s before the driver brought me to the office.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance