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“I want to know you, Laney. The things you like, the things you don’t.”

“I like where this is going.”

“Tell me everything. Favorite food, city, color... whatever you feel like.”

“You might get an overload of information.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Okay. But in return, I want the same from you. So, I go first?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Favorites... let’s see. Color: green; movie: Pretty Woman; food: french fries with ketchup. You now.”

“Blue, James Bond, pulled-pork burgers.”

She grinned wide. “I like this day. You know, I usually don’t like talking about personal things at all, except with Isabelle or people I’ve known for years... but I want you to know everything there is to know about me. And I also want to know about you. Before, I didn’t really care about these things. I was content just working and sleeping. I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything. But now, I feel like I’m missing out on everything if I don’t find out your deepest, darkest secrets.” She wiggled her eyebrows. I liked that she wanted to open up to me.

“I see. I’m going to file that for consideration.”

She pouted. “But I want to know now. How else am I going to be able to guess the things you need?”

“I like that you care so much about everything and everyone.”


nbsp; “Hmm... not sure if this is an attempt to change topics or butter me up so I compliment you too, but I like that you make me laugh so easily. I just feel so light when you’re around, with your sexy smile and larger-than-life charm.”

“Careful. It’s all going to my head.”

“Okay then, let’s find something to hang over your head. Why exactly were you named the charmer?”

“I’ve never really dated seriously.”


“Couldn’t say. I think I just didn’t see myself with anyone for more than a few dates... until now.”

“Nice save.”

“I mean it.”

She laughed, touching my lips. I undid the buttons of the shirt, starting at the top. After opening one, I paused, stroking her skin before kissing the same spot.

“What are you doing?”

“I was exploring you when your stomach interrupted us. I’m resuming that course of action, and I plan to make it last all day.”

“I’m more than onboard with that.”

Her voice became shaky as I descended lower on her abdomen. She giggled when I moved my fingers around her navel. That sound was inexplicably fulfilling. I didn’t want to only bring her pleasure, but also happiness—joy. She deserved all of that, and I wanted to be the one who gave it to her.

Chapter Fifteen


The mediation meeting with Gabriel Lyons was in the first week of April. Josie, Tess, and I were in the mediator’s office in Lower Manhattan, sitting across from Lyons and his lawyer.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance