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Rob and Laney were doing an excellent job with Skye. I’d expected to have to do some legwork to convince her to take it easy today, aided by Tess as well.

It seemed my brotherly input wasn’t necessary where Skye was concerned. Tess, on the other hand, was awfully quiet. She alternated between picking invisible lint from Skye’s cover and smoothing our sister’s hair.

“Cole, can I talk to you?” Laney asked, pointing to the corridor.


I followed her out of the room.

“I’m going to exchange shifts with a colleague. She’ll do the weekend, and I’ll take tonight instead.”


“I thought you’d feel more comfortable if I was on shift while Skye was here. Since I’m a general surgery resident, I’m usually not on the obstetrics floor, but I’ve asked for permission to check on Skye,” she said. I had no idea how she’d guessed that I’d feel more relieved if she was around my sister, but I was deeply grateful for it.

“You’re right. I would be more comfortable,” I said. “But won’t you be exhausted?”

“I will. But then I have my free day tomorrow instead of Sunday. It’s up to you to make sure I relax, Mr. Winchester.” Her tone was exaggeratedly formal, but she flashed me a sly grin.

“I like your thinking. And you can count on me.” My tone was equally formal, even as I tilted closer, adding, “What’s your stance on PDAs, Ms. Smith?”

“Huh?” Her brows knitted together.

“I want so fucking badly to kiss you.”

“Cole. Not in front of my colleagues,” she said in a whisper.

“A private room, then.”

She closed her eyes, as if needing all her concentration to figure this out. When she opened her eyes, they were full of mischief, but also regret. “There is no lounge on this floor.”

I just needed the contact—her soft mouth, her hot body against mine, but I understood that Laney had to maintain her professionalism.

“You know, this is the first time I regret not knowing where every service room of the hospital is.”

“Want to go search for it together?” I was only half joking.

Laney laughed, shaking her head. “Go back to your sister. I only pulled you out here to discuss the overnight shift.”

The mention of Skye brought me back to the issue at hand.

“You’re not sugarcoating it for us, right?” I asked, suddenly fearing she was just trying to appease us.

She shook her head. “Doctors don’t do that. I just told you all the information I have.”

“And you don’t have an inkling as to what the tests will show?”

Again, she shook her head. “Speculations don’t help.”

She took my hands in hers. Granted, it wasn’t the deep and dirty kiss I was imagining, but I was startled at how much her touch soothed me.

“I promise we’ll take care of her. I have to go, but I’ll be back later.” She took a step back, reluctantly, then turned around.

“Find out where those service rooms are,” I called after her. She just looked at me over her shoulder, smiling. I knew firsthand how tired she’d been yesterday evening, how much she needed this night of sleep. Yet she was willing to work tonight just to put me at ease.

I wasn’t ashamed to admit that in the past, I’d never given any thought to anything except compatibility in the sack. Now, I wanted to discover every way Laney and I fit together. Ever since our first dinner, something about her just called to me.

After seeing her today with Skye and the rest of my family, I was looking forward to every moment with her. Tomorrow, she was all mine.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance