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“Better. Please don’t worry.”

It was impossible not to. She looked like she’d been sick with the flu for days on end. Tess sat on the other side of the bed, biting her lower lip.

“Laney, can you tell us what’s going on?” I was proud of how calm I sounded.

“Sure. First of all, I’m not the doctor treating her. One of our ob-gyns is in charge. I

asked for permission to come here and brief you. They are still running tests, but the problem is her blood pressure. It’s common in pregnancies, though it usually happens in the first trimester.”

“Why are you running more tests?” Rob asked.

“It’s the easiest way to rule out certain things.”

“What exactly are you trying to rule out?” he went on.

“Preeclampsia or placenta previa. There was no bleeding, which is an excellent sign, but I can’t say for sure—”

“Maybe another doctor can tell us for sure!” Rob boomed.

“Rob!” I said sharply. “You can’t talk like that.”

Laney just shook her head, smiling. “Don’t worry, I know it’s a difficult time. I promise you all that neither Skye nor Jonas are in danger.”

There was a pause, and then Tess asked, “How do you know his name is Jonas?”

“From me,” I said. I’d told her that in Rome.

Tess and Skye exchanged glances. Rob just seemed confused. I was mesmerized that nothing seemed to tone down my sisters’ perception.

“In any case, the doctor said she will prescribe bed rest for the next two months,” Laney added.

“What?” Skye exclaimed. “You didn’t tell me that in the ER.”

The corners of Laney’s mouth tilted up. “Well, no. I thought it might be best to wait until your family was with you. Isabelle painted a very vivid picture of each member of the family. Look, high blood pressure in the third trimester can be dangerous. Reducing movement will help a lot.”

“There’s a difference between bed rest and reducing movement,” Skye said, pushing herself up on both elbows. “Last time I was at my ob-gyn, she didn’t mention that.”

“Well, first step in managing blood pressure is slowing down activity. If that doesn’t help sufficiently, then bed rest is in order.”

“Skye, we’ll be okay,” Rob said sternly. “It’s just for a few months.”

“In bed?”

This was so typical of my sister. Once she was out of immediate danger, she felt like Wonder Woman again.

Rob glared at her. “Yes! I’ll chain you to it if you fight me on this.” My sisters were both a force of nature, and it took someone equally stubborn to reason with them.

“I like you even more, Rob,” I said jovially. Now that I knew they were not in immediate danger, I could go back to diffusing tension and cracking jokes.

“Look, I know it’s not easy, but it’s really the best you can do for you and your son for the next two months,” Laney said.

Skye’s demeanor changed instantly. Her eyes softened. I was impressed by Laney’s ability to sum up the most important facts in one sentence.

I had no doubt it was partly due to her experience as a doctor, but from my time with her in Rome, I knew that she was also a perceptive person.

“On to the next point, I’d like you to stay overnight, Skye.”

The defeated expression on my sister’s face made it clear that this was news to her, but that she wasn’t about to fight it.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance