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I want to hear your voice.

I was powerless against this. I couldn’t wait to hear his voice too.

Laney: Yes.

I couldn’t believe I was so giddy just because I was going to talk to him, but giddy I was. Cole, Cole, Cole. How could he affect me so much? I called him right away.

“Hi, Laney!”

I’d always thought the saying “You had me at hello”

was silly, but now I was rethinking that.


“How was the rest of your week in Rome?”

“Great. I had another gelato at that place at the Trevi Fountain just before leaving. How... how are you? How have things been since you’ve been back?”

“Busy, and the jet lag didn’t help, but I’m back on track.”

“Did your family like the gifts?”

“Oh, yeah. They did.”

I laughed, loving the affection in his voice.

“I wasn’t expecting you to call.” I bit my lip, staring at the doorknob.

“Well, technically you did.” His tone was teasing, but I sensed he wanted to add something more, so I didn’t reply. “I’ve thought about you a lot, Laney. Plain and simple.”

Oh, God. I hadn’t expected this, not in a million years.

“Didn’t you think about me?” he asked.

“A bit,” I teased. “Just very, very little.”

“I see. So you didn’t miss me photobombing your pics or carrying you on stairs when your muscles cramped?”

“Hmm... now that you mention it...” Heat coiled through me just at the memory of it.

“The thing is, Laney, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re on my mind when I’m supposed to focus on calculations, working out at the gym, or just crossing the street.”

My face exploded in a smile again.

“Sounds like I’m very, very dangerous for you.” I was fighting to keep my voice serious, but I was on the verge of laughter.

“You definitely are. But your absence is even more dangerous.”

Melting. Yep. I was utterly and completely melting.


“I know we said what happens in Rome, stays in Rome, but I want to see you again.”

My breath caught. I hadn’t been prepared for this conversation. I fiddled with my fingers, pulling at my lower lip. We’d both had good reasons for not making plans after we returned to New York. Cole was a free spirit, and I was practically living at the hospital. My trepidation wasn’t just because of my schedule, but Cole didn’t know that. If I agreed to see him again, I’d have to tell him everything eventually. I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t ready.

“Cole,” I said gently. “I have some baggage...”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance