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“We’re moving on with the Centenarian?” I asked.

Instead of getting back to business, Hunter gave me a shit-eating grin.

“Yes. A word of advice: ignoring a problem won’t solve it. Take action.”

And didn’t I know it? Taking action was my middle name. I’d even been called hotheaded because of it. I usually didn’t weigh all the pros and cons. I followed my instincts and went after what I wanted. So that was exactly what I was going to do.

Chapter Seven


I so wasn’t ready to be back in New York. I’d landed six hours ago, but part of my brain was still in Italy. My first shift at the hospital was tomorrow, so today was my last day of freedom. I planned to spend it with my best friend. I was excited to finally see her place. I’d bought her a huge-ass present and couldn’t wait to see her expression when she saw it. It was a professional espresso maker by a famous Italian brand. My friend was even more addicted to coffee than I was.

I swear that in the time I’d been in Rome, I’d forgotten how tiny my apartment was. It had a small bedroom and a slightly larger room that doubled as foyer and living room. My kitchen was in a closet. I’d been so grateful to just move in this little cubicle of an apartment when I’d first arrived. A fellow doctor had just vacated it, and it had been fully furnished, so all I had to do was move in with my luggage. The best thing about the apartment was that it was two blocks away from the hospital. The Liberty was in the East Village, and I was happy that I didn’t have to commute at all, given how early I had to be at the hospital.

Before leaving, I called my parents, checking in on them. I’d also bought them an espresso machine and had mailed it from Rome a few days ago. It still hadn’t arrived.

“Darling, the photos you sent us are amazing,” Mom said.

“You would love the city. The whole of Italy, honestly.”

“So... I couldn’t help but notice a hunk of a man in one of your pictures.”

Instantly, I felt my lips stretch into a grin. I’d sent the pic we took after our lunch in the Colosseum. I’d known Mom would quiz me about it but sent the pic anyway.

“He’s a friend of Isabelle’s. I just showed him around the city.”

“He’s a hunk,” Mom said.

“Gloria,” Dad admonished.

“What? I’m just calling it like I see it.”

“Darling, we love you. When you’re ready to move on, you will do so on your own. Without pressure. From anyone.”

I could practically feel Dad glaring at Mom. I laughed, running a hand through my hair. About a year after I lost Ryan, Mom started campaigning for me to go out and meet people... move on. They’d loved Ryan, taken a liking to him from the get-go. They’d like Cole too. Actually, I was sure that Ryan would even have liked Cole.

Deep in my heart, I knew she was right. But deep in my heart, I also didn’t know how to move on. How did people do that? I still had that dull ache in my chest. For a long time, I didn’t even really notice men in that way... until Cole.

“Dad, it’s okay. I know you both just want what’s best.”

“That we do.”

We chatted about Isabelle for a while, and after hanging up, I looked at the picture of me and Cole. It brought back our crazy climb on the stairs and our run-in with the guard, and well, I couldn’t tone down my smile. And now that I was on a slippery slope, why not also reminisce about the kiss?

I licked my lips. My entire body was warm all of a sudden. I touched two fingers to my lower lip, breathing in deeply. Holy shit, how could the memory of a kiss feel so real?

As I was about to open my front door, I felt my phone buzz in my purse and decided to check it, just in case it was Isabelle, asking me to pick up something for her.

Cole: Hey, doc. How was your first day back at work?

I blinked twice. Wow! If I thought I was giddy before, it was nothing compared to now. My fingers were actually a bit shaky as I replied. My heart was beating insanely fast.

Laney: I only start tomorrow. I wanted to rest today.

Cole: Do you have time to talk now? I want to hear your voice.

I didn’t think my heartbeat could accelerate even more, but it just did. I drew in a deep breath, still grinning. Cole wanted to talk! I was still swooning as I thought about his message.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance