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“You haven’t been paying attention. I’m not leaving tonight.”

Skye grinned, but then it dimmed to a reluctant smile. “I’m trying to imagine my mom’s reaction in the morning.”

“Think she has anything against sleepovers?” I asked.

“Naked sleepovers, you mean?”

“She doesn’t have to know they were naked.” I wiggled my eyebrows before kissing her on the forehead. “I’ll sneak out in the morning.”

“You don’t have to do that. We’re not teenagers.”

“No, but your face turned red just at the thought of your mom knowing I spent the night here.”

She grinned, helping me move the mattress to the floor. She gave me the pillow she’d used as a sound muffler and took a decorative one for herself before tossing it aside and snuggling up to me.

I was sleeping on a floor, on a dreadful mattress, but I couldn’t remember being this carefree and happy before. I barely recognized myself.

“You’re right, it is more comfortable here. Especially because I can use your arm as a pillow. In fact, I can use your whole body for that.”

“You sure adapt fast.” The next second, I pulled her under me, parting her thighs, pressing my semi against her belly. She gasped, eyes wide. “Let’s see what happens when I use you as a pillow.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


I woke up early the next morning and heard noise from the living room. Holy shit, is Mom moving on her own? I jumped from the mattress, only then registering that it was empty. I pouted. I hadn’t even heard him leave.

Opening the small bag I’d brought, I dressed in a yellow skirt and a white shirt with spaghetti straps.

To my surprise, it wasn’t Mom who was moving through the living room but Rob. I grinned from ear to ear when we made eye contact. I knew we’d agreed he’d sneak out, but he hadn’t, and I was glad for that.

Wait a second.... I vividly remembered the suit he’d worn yesterday: dark navy shirt and gray pants. Now he was wearing jeans and a khaki shirt.

“You’re wearing different clothes.”

He winked. “I know. I woke up early and went home to change. I can say that I just came back this morning.”

“And it’s not even a lie. You’re a genius.”

I tiptoed toward him, spying avocado toast on the counter behind him.

“What are you doing?”

“Breakfast. But if you have other suggestions, I’m all ears.”

I grabbed a quick bite of bread to get rid of morning breath. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hell of a smooch.

“I’ll prepare breakfast every morning if this is what I get in return.”

“Yes, please.”

“Any other wishes?”

“Hmmm... I have a whole list,

but are you sure I should voice them? You can’t unhear them.”

He threw his head back, laughing. “I’ll take my chances.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance