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“I know this is not exactly fun or sexy. If you’ve changed your mind about us....”

“Let me get this straight. You think that I’m just gonna bail?”

She fiddled with her thumbs some more. “I’m not saying that. I’m just saying I’ve been dumped before when shit hit the fan—”

I cupped the back of her head with one hand, cutting her off. I didn’t want her to finish that sentence, even remember a time that made her feel worthless.

“Skye, I told you that you’re mine. I meant it. I want you to count on me, to call me, to know I’m here for you. I like being with you whenever, however possible. What we have goes beyond sex. For me, at least. Tell me you feel it too.”

Unease gripped me like a rope, tight around my whole body, especially my throat. I’d laid myself bare in a way I never had. When she nodded, I felt as if I could suddenly breathe in deeper. She put both hands on my chest, not as if she wanted to avoid looking at me but more as if she was searching for the right words.

“I love you,” she murmured. “I’m not sure how it happened.”

“It happened because we fit,” I replied easily. “Skye, I’ve been in love with you for a while now.”

The corners of her mouth lifted up slowly, as if she was registering my words in slow-motion. They surprised the heck out of me too. I didn’t even have to think it over. It was just true.

I moved my fingers to her temples before tracing a line downward to her jaw. I couldn’t stop looking at her. She was so fucking beautiful and real.

I rested my thumb on her lips. She pushed the tip of her tongue against it, teasing me.

“Rob, we can’t do this here,” she whispered, clearly still rational. But I wasn’t. I wanted to show her how completely she owned me, the only way I knew.

“Where do you sleep?” I asked.

“There’s a couch in the study.”

“Show me. Now.”

Her breath was labored, her pupils dilated. I slid my hands down to her hips, pushing myself against her, capturing her mouth at the same time. I was so damn hard already. She whimpered against my mouth, deepening the kiss before taking a step back. She turned around, taking my hand, leading me toward a door I hadn’t paid attention to next to the entrance. Past it was a small room with floor-to-ceiling shelves and an armchair with a small lamp. Skye turned it on. On the other side was a couch, pulled out into a bed, with a mattress on it.

“We have to be silent,” she murmured as I walked her backward. When we reached the makeshift bed, she pulled her dress over her head before sitting down.

“I’ll keep you silent, Skye. This is just for you.”

I wanted to remind her that I worshiped her in every way there was, make her feel that deep in her bones, in every cell of her body. I trailed my fingers down her stomach, into her panties. I didn’t even have the patience to take them off. I didn’t want to wait. She was so fucking wet that I nearly burst in my pants. I teased the sides of her entrance, going down slowly, then back up. I captured her mouth as a moan escaped her lips, tangling our tongues. Every moan vibrated through my body. When I started circling her clit, I could feel every single shock wave radiating through her, pushing me further to the edge.

Tease and please.

I followed this rhythm, teasing around her clit, touching it just long enough to provide a brief release before ramping up the anticipation, until she tugged at my shirt with so much force that she pulled it out of my belt.

“Please, please, please.” Her words were low and pleading, and I couldn’t deny her a climax any longer.

Covering her mouth, I rubbed two fingers from her entrance up to her clit, and she exploded beautifully, pressing her legs together, trapping my hand there. Her hands went to my shoulders, pulling me closer. I held her until the aftershocks subsided but kissed her even longer than that. There was something so intimate about kissing her when she was like this, ravished and content... and belonging completely to me. Just like I belonged to her.

“Je suis à toi, Skye. I’m yours.”

“Oh, Mr. Frenchman, you really can’t make me swoon right now,” she whispered, curling even closer to me. “I can barely breathe as it is.”

Sometime later, Skye showed me to a tiny bathroom where we freshened up one after the other because we didn’t both fit at the same time.

“This couch is uncomfortable as fuck,” I said when we were back on it.

She giggled. “I know. My neck’s still stiff from last night.”

Chuckling, I checked the mattress. “This is easy to take off. Let’s put it on the floor and sleep there.”

She just blinked at me. “You’re staying?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance