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“Can’t. The no-secret policy runs so deep in me, it’s practically part of my DNA.”

Tess laughed. “Besides, we do like it when Ryker gives you shit.” She nudged his shoulder, saying, “Are we terrible or what?”

“Yes, yes you are,” Cole exclaimed as we approached the theater entrance. “Come on, let’s go in and find our seats.”

Tess and I each took one of his arms, flanking him as we headed inside. We loved plays and musicals.

At the end of the show, the audience hollered for an encore, which would probably be another twenty minutes or so. I looked at my siblings, and they appeared ready to go. “Let’s ditch it.”

Tess took one look at Cole and nodded. Making our way out was not easy, climbing over everyone as we tried to scoot out, which attracted a lot of attention. A few swore at us, and I honestly couldn’t blame them. It was dark when we stepped outside, but the sheer number of people milling up and down Broadway had increased. Manhattan was even more alive in the evenings during summer.

“You’re making me feel really special,” Cole said. “I know how much you girls like to watch these things until the end.”

“We won’t kick you while you’re down,” Tess teased. “We’ve already tormented you enough.”

“Much appreciated. Anyone up for cotton candy?” Cole said, pointing to a street vendor with a mobile cart under one of the streetlights. He must have just pulled up, because we hadn’t seen him there before.

The smell of sugar was thick in the air. My stomach rumbled despite being full, and I found myself nodding right away. There was a line already, and while we waited, I took out my phone, texting Rob, wondering if he was still working. I just couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I only looked up when I realized my siblings were suspiciously silent, and I found them watching me intently.

“What?” I asked.

Tess grinned from ear to ear, nudging our brother. “See?

That’s what a woman who can’t take her mind off her guy looks like. So caught up in texting him, she forgets the world.”

“I’m taking notes,” Cole said with mock seriousness, and the three of us burst out laughing. What could I say? My sister was 100 percent spot on.

Chapter Seventeen


Rob: How was the play?

I read his message just as I slid under my covers.

Skye: It was amazing. Thank you for the tickets. Cole joined us too. You’re so thoughtful.

Rob: Did it for selfish reasons.

Skye: Oh?

Rob: Wanted to make sure you don’t forget me these two weeks.

Wow. My heart rate sped up so quickly that I almost hyperventilated. I called him, because it was easier than just typing back and forth.

“You’re difficult to forget,” I said. There weren’t more than ten minutes this entire evening that I didn’t have Rob on my mind. The play didn’t even capture my full attention, which told me how wrapped up I was in this man.

“And why is that?”

“I can’t tell, exactly.” And that was the truth. Besides, we were not at that stage in a relationship where I would tell him even if I could.

“Then I haven’t done the job right, impressed you enough.” Rob’s voice was deliciously sensual.

“Hmmm... I feel like the kind thing to do is to tell you that you more than impressed me....”

“Good, but there’s so much more I’ve planned.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance